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Medal Ribbon

Post 1


Hi Ron,

I see in your photo (The Goldsteins at War) that you have a single medal ribbon on your battledress tunic. A photo of my grandfather also shows the same/a similar single ribbon (what appears to be light - dark - light). Is this the 1939-43 Star that was issued but then replaced by the 1939-45 Star?

Many thanks & best regards,

Medal Ribbon

Post 2


Hi Rob
The ribbon in question was the Africa Star, if you want to see the colours have a look at my 'Album' story (A2612567)

Medal Ribbon

Post 3


Hi Ron,

Thanks for your answer. I hope you don't mind if I ask you a few more!

Was the photo taken after 1948 when the medal was officially issued? Or was it just the ribbon (not the medal) that was issued before the end of the war and before the criteria that had to met were agreed upon?

I've been told in some cases that a ribbon could be issued only later to have the actual medal entitlement revoked as the criteria agreed, sometimes years after, were not met.

Looking at other photos showing the single ribbon on my Grandfather's battledress tunic, the colours show as medium - dark - light . I do not know of any other ribbon/medal that is like this. The 1939 - 45 Star shows as dark - medium - light in black and white photos so it can't be this (or the 1939 - 43 Star as the ribbon was the identical).

Do you have any recollections of such a ribbon?

Once again I thank you for your help.

Best regards,

Medal Ribbon

Post 4


Hi Rob

Try this very good site (recomended originally by Peter G.)

You need to hit the U for UK list, then keep going to 'more ribbons' until you hit the 39-45 star.
(never heard of the 39-43 star)

Back to my photo which was taken at Ulm in 1945, by which time the ribbon ONLY had been issued.

I did not get my five actual medals until I was released in 1947.

Let me know how you get on

Best wishes


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