A Conversation for of haves and havenots (about a funny thing called a paradigm shift)


Post 1

The 1 and only Elkherd

When you write a user page, you're doing so in html. I hate html because its soo boring. After each paragraph you need a . Wait a minute - you know this, don't you cos your frontpage is done well. Oh I've just made a fool of myself.


Post 2


actually i had no idea..............at all!
my page has only been able to survive this long thanks to wonderful cats like you who know a hell of a lot more than i do about a funny thing called 'html' smiley - winkeye
thanks for the tip -
and, no, you did not make a fool of yourself at allsmiley - smiley


Post 3


hey look it worked thankssmiley - smiley


Post 4


Saffire, if you want to learn HTML in a really easy way, go to www. htmlgoodies.com and follow the 'Basics' tutorial. It's how I started and that was only a couple of weeks ago. It's very simple and theses tutorials lay it out in easy to understand language. Give it a try, you'll suprise yourself.


Post 5


thanks ill have to go there some timesmiley - smiley
by the way - nice page - i shall strive to someday put green lettering on my page as well!


Post 6

The 1 and only Elkherd

I can reccomend AOLPress (http://www.aolprees.com I think) for making your own pages. That's how I learnt. It's not a lot of use for H2G2 though

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