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Have things gone wrong - again?

Post 1

Also Ran1-hope springs eternal

A friend is upgrading my computer so that I can have a new printer which does all sorts of things - like faxing, copying, scanning and printing.

I have had to get all sorts of new software - but yesterday when the poor guy was trying to install it, problems developed.

Now twelve hours later my Outlook express is sending mail - goodness knows where to, and I can neither receive nor send mail on my programme.

Ah dearie me - I hope that it gets fixed soon.

A witless
Also Ran1 smiley - sadface

Have things gone wrong - again?

Post 2

abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein

Sounds like some of your software came with a bug in it.
Can the same person whom installed the printer/copy/? run some virus and spyware cleanup? They often come with extra programs you do not need and can get rid of.

Goodness - goodluck!
I really hate computer problems.
You can contact MS and report the problem.
Microsoft has a free scan for security problems.
You are a spamming email address? Is that what yours is doing?
If so they just might be able to fix it over the internet if you give them access to it. That can be serious to them.

My ISP has helped with that problem too.
You could perhaps try to change your password and make another screename. I would ask an expert first thoughsmiley - erm

Who was it that helped you before with computer stuff here on h2?
Maybe they have words of wisdom.

Have things gone wrong - again?

Post 3

abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein

Try to do security updates for Outlooksmiley - goodluck
Sounds like it has been hijacked for spamsmiley - wah

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