This is the Message Centre for Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

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Post 1


Dear Sheryl,
Hiya, how are things?smiley - smiley Hope you and the family are okay.
Just wanted to say how nice you looked in your pic.smiley - cheers
Well, I've been ploughing thru my annual horoscope my friend sent me for my birthday, its spookily accurate.smiley - magic
It's really long, about 80 pages, I'm busy searching for the rich and famous bit!smiley - bubbly but there's no sign.

Take care
Lots of love
Mysticsmiley - magicsmiley - hug

No Subject

Post 2

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

Hiya Margaret,
Sorry I've not been in touch luv, you know how it is, one thing and another.. Then I get into the "can't be arsed" phase, and things get neglected... smiley - wah
Well I'm here now eh.... smiley - hug
Glad you liked the pic... Jimcracker and Jinty submitted it for me as I don't have access to a pc. (I'm in through an e.mail link on my digibox)
Jim kindly went to his local library and did printouts of other folk in the gallery and sent them on to me..
Well I've not been up to much of late, my spondylosis has been giving me bloody jip... I don't suppose this daft weather helps..
Good to hear that you are enjoying your horoscope luv... I seem to have mislaid my rich and famous bit too.. smiley - laugh
Well it's good to hear from you again.. Hope this finds you well..
Bright blessings, your friend Sheryl... xxxx

No Subject

Post 3


Hi Sheryl,smiley - smiley
Don't worry I know how it is. Sometimes you're just not in the mood.
Like to hear from you from time to time when you get a mo.

Well its pouring with rain and had some bad news on Saturday, my dad had a stroke so am going to Wales on Friday to see him he's in the stroke unit of the hospital there. Was pretty upsetsmiley - wah.
Its horrid thinking of them getting older and being away.smiley - sadface
Other, our holiday plans have all fallen through and he has suggested we go and visit his mother, smiley - zoom, only just got shot of her.

Anyway must calm down and relax, take another Prozac. hahasmiley - biggrin

Take caresmiley - hug
Keep in touch (when you can)
xxsmiley - magic

No Subject

Post 4

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

Hiya Margaret... smiley - hug
Sorry to hear about your dad luv... hope he soon makes a good recovery.. I will send out healing thoughts to him..
Gawd, more mother-in-law eh.... You poor soul.. I'd question whether your hubby is trying to drive you completely bonkers.. Has he got a death wish or something.. You'd better get your repeat prescription luv... lol. smiley - smiley If all else fails you could always slip them into her smiley - teasmiley - laugh
Well this chit chatting won't get me ready and out shopping, so I'll bid you farewell for now..
Take care, and keep in touch, smiley - love Sheryl... xxxx

Hello Sheryl

Post 5


Hi Sherylsmiley - smiley
It was nice to hear from you!smiley - hug
I hope that alls well, have you had some peaceful nights since we last spoke.smiley - erm Its good you're so laid back about things, I don't mind little signs which make me think of people who've passed away smiley - angelbut I would be spooked about someone sitting on the bed.smiley - ghost
It made me think of the day of my grandmothers funeral, lots of things happened that I felt couldn't be explained....
Anyway, been to see my dad and he's tired but improved (I hope) maybe be out this week. Boys break up for 6 weeks on Thurs,smiley - headhurts how I'll manage I don't know.
New uniform to buy more expense, the primary school is changing names and uniforms for the 4th time, arghhhhhhhhhhh.
Take care
Lots of love
xxsmiley - magic

Hello Sheryl

Post 6


Hiya Sherylsmiley - hug
Just thought I'd say Hi how are things with you?
Is your daughter looking forward to her new school?
I was off last week, it went very quickly with nothing much to show for it. I did get to the swimming pool one day.smiley - erm still trying to eat healthily.
Started my new job today and the little one is in the work playscheme this week, so it'll be stressful commuting every day.smiley - wah Roll on September.

So what are you up to these days?

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