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Post 1


I have got to the stage where I dread paying by card, I went to Texaco to buy fuel knowing the game that would be played at the till, except I am the only one playing. "Number 1", "£15.06", "yes" didnt stop in time. In goes the card and I am in the blocks ready to put the number in, "please enter your Pin" then it says enter your pin, she has won again. why cant she just let me put the damn number in? I can read. Then its the same with the "remove your card". I CAN READ, at least thats what I will say next time!

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Post 2


smiley - laugh I know the feeling! On the other hand, I have a habit of putting my card in too early and thereby fouling up the whole machine so we have to start again. In those instances I feel I deserve it. smiley - silly

smiley - fairy

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