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Post 21

Boxing Baboon 2

and here me thinking 1 letter is 1 to many from you smiley - bigeyes hows your space now?


Post 22

^Alleycat^ like anagrams?? follow me >>>>>

it's all there just now but sometimes the rose just disappears... and the eye goes tiny... didnt do that yesterday smiley - silly

smiley - love S


Post 23

Boxing Baboon 2

i think you space is drunk lol


Post 24

^Alleycat^ like anagrams?? follow me >>>>>

yes, I think it is smiley - drunk just so long as I don't get the smiley - hangoversmiley - rofl i'm really cold and normally I never bother with heating but i've been forced to put it on, it doesn't do my breathing any good tho.. cold enough for snow here..

smiley - love S


Post 25

Boxing Baboon 2

smiley - sorry about that sam smiley - grr it took me ages to get back on smiley - laugh well its not warm here either smiley - biggrin chat later smiley - ok


Post 26

^Alleycat^ like anagrams?? follow me >>>>>

hi Martin, cuddly told me to remind you not to log out just press the red button, but I think I told you that before...

smiley - love S


Post 27

Boxing Baboon 2

yeah you told me i just press the off button lol .keep gettin emails though smiley - laugh having tea now bye bye


Post 28 go!

smiley - kiss
hello martin and sam hope ur both well smiley - biggrinsmiley - hugsmiley - hug
brought sum munchies lol smiley - crispssmiley - cakesmiley - cheesecakesmiley - bubblysmiley - alesmiley - bigeyes


Post 29 go!

ooohhh smiley - snowballsmiley - snowball launch smiley - tongueout they made from the frezzer lmao..smiley - rofl


Post 30

^Alleycat^ like anagrams?? follow me >>>>>

Hiya matey, that freezer must be my living room your talking about, had to put heating on argggh I hate it.. we'll be getting snow before long if this keeps up smiley - brr thanks for the goodies.. save them for later and a lil glas of smiley - cider for you and only the one but you can have some smiley - popcorn to go with it..

smiley - love S


Post 31

^Alleycat^ like anagrams?? follow me >>>>>

missed you message Martin smiley - sorry hope you enjoyed you tea... piece of smiley - cake for afters...

smiley - love S


Post 32

Boxing Baboon 2

prettygreeneyes whos you? have ya changed names lol

thanks for smiley - cake sam this thing is sticking tonight eh lolchat soon


Post 33

Boxing Baboon 2

just looking at your space love the rose sam .ive added a box with nah names in .do you wont the blob number for the person having dinner? what was in me other space?


Post 34

^Alleycat^ like anagrams?? follow me >>>>>

Hi Martin I couldn't get in last night aftr I was booted, not even to get into chat, no interactive at all smiley - grr so I went to bed in disgust.. I don't think i'll bother adding anything extra to this space I just did it so I would have some colour around, kinda like putting pictures up in a new house smiley - rofl.. catch you later..

smiley - love S


Post 35 go!

martin its me cuddlywolf smiley - evilgrin glad ur in now smiley - smiley rabs only too happy to help smiley - cuddle

hya sam ive the updated digy box looks like skys set up arhhh its fast n email different there was me thinking i had it already lol..have a goodday at work me off to bed for a kip lol..smiley - hug z smiley - rose


Post 36

^Alleycat^ like anagrams?? follow me >>>>>

Hiya matey, lucky you, i'm on a go slow again, couldnt even get in last night.. guess i'll need to give them a phone again see if I can get a super duper box smiley - rofl some chance!!
catch you later off to the post office to post me wages...

Martin have you managed to get in yet?.. smiley - steamsmiley - rofl

smiley - love S


Post 37

Boxing Baboon 2

hello sam just about here lol just when i press reply button it boots me out and says i s i havent registered yet smiley - sadface

thanks lorraine it was working really goodlastnight .so i suppose it has its good days and bad smiley - laugh


Post 38

^Alleycat^ like anagrams?? follow me >>>>>

This is the first of me getting in and I solved the 9 letter anagram but somebody beat me to it smiley - grr so i've got a new word to keep me happy for a bit.. I got booted out just after I sent your message and couldnt get back in so I phoned telewest and a man is coming out tomorrow (today) they don't seem to think the problem is at their end smiley - roflsmiley - rofl well if they want to keep sending men out then who am I to argue with them.... (he might even be good looking, well I can live in hope smiley - rofl).. my space doesnt seem so smiley - drunk tonight tho everything in its place, so far!! well i'm off to sleep but I might not switch off for fear of not getting back in.. hope your doing smiley - ok

smiley - love S


Post 39

Boxing Baboon 2

its really quick today smiley - laugh hows yours ?


Post 40

Boxing Baboon 2

was thinking sam of making meself a guestbook out of the number i got for me old guestbook it will appear in me space anyway so thats smiley - ok you think?

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