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Feynman you say

Post 1

Mercedes Benz

Surely you're joking, What do you care what other people think?
Great books about a great man, I would have liked to have met him.
There is another out there called "Tuva or bust" but I have yet to read it.
There are several biographies, and several books of lectures, strangely he never actually wrote a book, actually sitting down to write a book. They were lectures or conversations written down by other people like Ralph Leighton.
There are also a number of scientific articles in academic journals.
I like his safecracking anecdotes and the Space Shuttle tragedy enquiry is very interesting for a sad subject, it details his problems with U.S. beaurocracy and his discovery of the fault, failure of a rubber ring causing a leak and an explosion.

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Feynman you say

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