This is the Message Centre for Peet (the Pedantic Punctuation Policeman, Muse of Lateral Programming Ideas, Eggcups-Spurtle-and-Spoonswinner, BBC Cheese Namer & Zaphodista)
What an absolute bloody cock-up.
Peet (the Pedantic Punctuation Policeman, Muse of Lateral Programming Ideas, Eggcups-Spurtle-and-Spoonswinner, BBC Cheese Namer & Zaphodista) Started conversation Oct 15, 2014
And it's all my fault.
When I was at the nephrology clinic a few weeks ago, my surgeon finished off by looking at the calander on his computer. He told me that I'd be going in for my op. tomorrow, but the calander was "locked" so he couldn't print anything out. He said he'd put a confirmation letter in the post.
I got the confirmation letter attached to a small sheaf of forms which I duly filled in and returned to the hospital, then I spent the best part of the last week shuffling my life around, arranging extra dialysis times etc.
Except two hours before the taxi arrived to take me to dialysis, one of my doctors called... She asked me to re-read my appointment letter. The op. is *next week*.
I felt such a bloody idiot. The letter started up something like "This is to confirm our discussion..." and I didn't read any further down. So, everything I did to get ready for this week I'm going to have to do again next week, and I had to put in a Tesco home delivery order for 9am-10am tomorrow morning, as I originally thought I wouldn't get any shopping this week but had *just* enough to carry me through till next; with the appointments next week it'd be two weeks before I could get any more shopping ordered.
And I couldn't even order a drink to help me get over it all, as they won't let you order alcohol for deliveries before 10am, and I have to be out for the ambulance tomorrow at five to eleven so I can't book the later slot.
Since I suddenly had a free afternoon, I called Grambo and got him to drop by to buy my last (Archos) tablet. I let him have it for £42, which is a good deal as it cost me over £80 and I only used it for a month. It still had all its packaging. It was a good device, but the screen was a tad dim for me, and the battery life could have been better.
I watched "Chicago PD" and "Scott & Bailey".
I've had the heating on for two hours so I'm going to have a cozy night in the armchair.
What an absolute bloody cock-up.
lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned Posted Oct 16, 2014
What an absolute bloody cock-up.
smee Posted Oct 16, 2014
Well, exactly. You’re only human Peet, so don't beat yourself up too much, eh?
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What an absolute bloody cock-up.
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