This is the Message Centre for Peet (the Pedantic Punctuation Policeman, Muse of Lateral Programming Ideas, Eggcups-Spurtle-and-Spoonswinner, BBC Cheese Namer & Zaphodista)

Feeling a little better, but still not productive.

Post 1

Peet (the Pedantic Punctuation Policeman, Muse of Lateral Programming Ideas, Eggcups-Spurtle-and-Spoonswinner, BBC Cheese Namer & Zaphodista)

Today was about the first day in a week that I felt fit to wander around the house and "do stuff". So, of course, it was the day that Grambo came a'calling... smiley - facepalm

It took him a little while to get around to the purpose of his visit. He's signed himself up to a short "Web Design using Dreamweaver and Photoshop" course, and he was having a problem with "the disk that I gave him". This puzzled me. You see, I *did* give him a Dreamweaver disk a couple of years back, but it was for the Apple Mac, to test his Hackintosh out after he'd updated the OS. But I knew that he'd wiped the Hackintosh and installed Windows 7, so that wouldn't work... smiley - geeksmiley - huh

"Oh no, not that copy - this one," he said, digging a CD out of his back pocket. It was labelled in my handwriting "Web tools 2000". smiley - facepalm "It's fine except for a little crack running across it..." smiley - headhurtssmiley - wah

It took two or three attempts to explain that, just because there was a product on the CD called "Dreamweaver", and the course said "requires Dreamweaver", that it wouldn't help him as the version on the CD, even if I could have recovered the installer from the cracked disc, pre-dated all of the current HTML and CSS standards and so wouldn't know what to do with the example files for the course anyway. And even if it could have, the installer pre-dated Windows XP, let alone Windows 7, so I had little confidence that it would install anyway. smiley - geeksmiley - cry

He finished his smiley - coffee amd headed on his way... smiley - run

It also didn't help that while I was rushing to make my lunch before he arrived the fuse in my kitchen 4-way exploded, cutting power to my cooker, toaster and microwave. smiley - bluesmiley - chef And I haven't been able to find a replacement yet, or even a screwdriver capable of removing the blown one. smiley - facepalm

Most of the rest of the day has involved alternating between napping smiley - zzz and rushing to the toilet with a full bladder. smiley - run So, the diuretics seem to be doing their job. smiley - ok

I watched "The Big Bang Theory", "Elementary", "Have I Got News for You", half of "Cold War, Hot Jets", "QI" and "The Graham Norton Show". smiley - cdouble I'm going to watch "Glee" and "White Collar" before I crash. smiley - online2long

I can't watch any Netflix or similar because all my uploading bandwidth is tied up putting a couple of ISO files onto Dropbox for Dagesh, and for some reason Netflix won't download unless it can upload too... smiley - weirdsmiley - huh

Feeling a little better, but still not productive.

Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

Thanks for that sacrifice Peet, I got the file fine y'day.


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