This is the Message Centre for Peet (the Pedantic Punctuation Policeman, Muse of Lateral Programming Ideas, Eggcups-Spurtle-and-Spoonswinner, BBC Cheese Namer & Zaphodista)

Depressed; James; baked pakora.

Post 1

Peet (the Pedantic Punctuation Policeman, Muse of Lateral Programming Ideas, Eggcups-Spurtle-and-Spoonswinner, BBC Cheese Namer & Zaphodista)

I guess it's just me coming down from the boiling rage yesterday. I woke up this morning after just five hours sleep, I got up and surfed for a couple of hours, watched "The Practice", then went back to bed. I got up, had lunch, went back to bed. I got up, went to the toilet, checked my email, went back to bed. And so on... Until...

I finally got up and started to write an overdue letter to Companies House. About five minutes into it, the door buzzer went and James "The Weird Person" arrived, wanting to use my computer to book an EasyJet flight to Berlin. While he did that, I had a lie down again. smiley - yawn

I had some supper, fed James a little, tidied up after him and... headed back to bed for another hour. smiley - erm

Eventually, I got up.

By this point, I was hungry, and looking for some degree of distraction. I fancied some Pakora, but all the recipes I could find involved deep-frying it. So, here's my alternate oven-baked Pakora recipe - it works! smiley - chef

Mix, in a 2-pint bowl:

2 small cups of Gram Flour
1 large "Glug" of vegetable oil
2 sachets of chilli sauce (left over from microwave kebabs)
1 splosh (about equivalent to a sachet) of green chilli sauce
1 splosh (ditto) of lime juice
1/2 a small cup of Hellman's curry sauce
2 roughly chopped cloves of fresh garlic

Fold it all together to produce a caramel-coloured batter with a thick, gooey consistency.

Next, chop up about ten mushrooms and three medium onions. Mix them through the batter evenly. You could add other vegetables, like potato or carrot, if you like; I just couldn't be bothered.

Spoon lumps of this onto a baking tray. In a fan-assisted oven, give them about 12 minutes at 190ÂșC, turn them over and give them another 5 minutes. The outside will just have started to blacken, but just to be sure stick them in the microwave for 3 or 4 minutes...

Serve in a huge plastic bowl, clarted in Hellman's curry sauce. Very filling! smiley - chefsmiley - weirdsmiley - ok

I've been eating it while I watched ER. smiley - doctorsmiley - nurse There's no way I'm going to get through it all, so I'll stick the remainder in the 'fridge till tomorrow.

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