This is the Message Centre for Peet (the Pedantic Punctuation Policeman, Muse of Lateral Programming Ideas, Eggcups-Spurtle-and-Spoonswinner, BBC Cheese Namer & Zaphodista)

"Jings, that's an agile dog!"

Post 1

Peet (the Pedantic Punctuation Policeman, Muse of Lateral Programming Ideas, Eggcups-Spurtle-and-Spoonswinner, BBC Cheese Namer & Zaphodista)

Sorry, I'm listening to "Hamish and Dougal" on Radio 4... I couldn't type what led up to that punchline here. smiley - rofl

Anyhoo... It's been a quiet day again. Grambo paid me a visit at lunchtime, and we inaugurated my new smiley - coffee pot.

Most of the day I've been vegged out in front of the computer, playing about in Mustardland.


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