This is the Message Centre for tezzatastebuds


Post 1


hello tezza just saying hello from karen aka kari47 hope you are ok, love karen


Post 2


Hello Karen! Nice to hear from you. smiley - hug

I still hadn't got round to stirring up any technical brain cells to work out how to contact you, so thanks for doing the hard work! smiley - smiley Well, I think it's hard work anyway!

You have just caught me sitting down to another plate of last night's dinner - veggie haggis with mashed potato, veggies and a vegan cheese sauce. Very nice it is too! smiley - biggrin Veggies are carrots, peas & broccoli. OH is having his favourite mozzarella, bacon & parmesan pasta. The heating is on full whack, I have two pairs of socks on to keep feet warm and Sooty is upstairs curled up in front of the spare bedroom radiator on a spare quilt that we put there especially for him. The weather is absolutely bitter, minus 5 degrees on my drive home and very icy. Do you still have lots of snow up your way? We are forecast more on Tuesday evening. smiley - wah

Just about to have a look at matresses online as our mattress is starting to get a bit lumpy. Not doing OH's back much good. I think all the dodgy springs must be mainly over on his side! smiley - laugh

Hope you are having a good evening! smiley - smiley


Post 3


i have got a hot water bottle literally welded to my hip, it is so cold here! i am so pleased to have got in touch with you, how come you didn,t do whisky sauce with haggis? snow here (in stockton on tees) horrendous and more forecast tonight, cats are sorted in laundry basket and cat doughnut, love to sootsmiley - hug keep in touch love karen


Post 4


Ooh Karen, I hadn't thought of a hot water bottle. I have one somewhere, it's a Bagpuss one, I must dig that out for my feet!

When I bought the haggis I forgot to get myself some whiskey! I will try it next time though.

What are your cats names? Love to them both smiley - hug and hugs from Soot smiley - hug They sound well snug by the way. I was thinking of getting one of those furry beds that you hang onto a radiator but not sure Soot would get in it.

Just watching severe weather warnings on the news. Scotland is really hard hit! Stay warm and take care in your neck of the woods smiley - hug

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