A Conversation for The clumps of cocoa at the bottom of the cup

Water or cocoa first?

Post 1

Feral Korzybski

I've noticed that it's much easier to disolve hot chocolate powder if you add boiling water to the powder instead of adding powder to boiling water (the powder tends to clump up on the surface of the water and becomes very messy and no fun). Even so, as you
point out, regardless of how one mixes you still get those mocking lumps. If you have a little extra time, a blender, and some
friends to share your cocoa with (or, if you can put away a couple litres of cocoa on your own) you can get these boxes of Hershey's
pure cocoa powder (or Nestle's or whoever the other heavyweight in the world of chocolate is) and follow the directions on the side of the box to add milk and sugar and whip up your own hot chocolate from scratch. It's very good and, since you're pouring it from a blender-thingy, no lumps on the bottom!

the clumps of cocoa at the bottom of the cup

Post 2


I have found that if you use a very large, wide cup then there will be lumps, however, if you use a tall thin container (possibly a test tube) the the hot chocolate will be as thick, creamy and lovely as you want! smiley - fish

Water or cocoa first?

Post 3


The clumps are evil, mostly because mix has been placed first and then the water. But if you place the water then the mix, you get the more evil than the clumps on the bottom...the clumps on the top! Why dosen't the mix just sink in? It has the weight to break the surface tension but you stir, hoping to mix the hot chocolate powder and water. So some of it submits, but never all of it. I incorporate a "plunging" motion very familiar to drownding a person. I take the bowed out flat utensil end of the spoon to puch the powder into the water. This usually does the trick but small colonies of chocoalted goodness still clings together, though visibly wet, THE INSIDE IS DRY!!!! The madness!!!!! I will now faint

Water or cocoa first?

Post 4


Eat the clumps!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! smiley - fishsmiley - fishsmiley - fishsmiley - fishsmiley - fishsmiley - fishsmiley - fishsmiley - smiley

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