This is the Message Centre for FlyinScotsman


Post 1


lol,,hi to anyone e who ever reads this,been wandering around in this place for a couple of days now and cant make head nor or tail ov help :0)
i humbly ask


Post 2


hi peter well ive just posted a welcome message on your page if i can help ill try my bestsmiley - ok

andysmiley - bat


Post 3


are u having fun yet???? lol
i see you havin a go at ur page .. that gml code can get a tad confusin ..
howz u 2nite????

sunday 12,40

Post 4


hiya velvyn xxx
lol,me`s gotta be honest V,it wisny me who did me page,i wrote the taxt oops text,but one of the chathosts did me page,
think i nearly managed to chat yesterday,however me canny be sure as me fingers bluntly refuse to me bidding,and to make matters worse me keyboard has devdeveloped a stutter.
sorry i missd u last night was on me p`c play`n sim city,jeez but that game does me nut in,well im gonna blame it ne way,xx
hope this msg finds u well or at least finds u at all,good to see u on friday,well at least i think it was u ,xxx,:0)
take care V n i`l see u later
luv xx peter


Post 5


smiley - smileyHi
There just to say welcome
to h2g2:
smiley - mod i am in scotland too
am sure you will get the nack
of h2g2smiley - aleif you need help
setting your page upsmiley - smiley just ask a Ace or Guru they will help yousmiley - runas soon as they can you can find click here boxe's
on pps pages:
for aces just click on were it says click here
there is a link
on my page if yoy want to go and click on it
my users name is gjock123smiley - bunny
type it in search for a friend box and it will take you to my spacesmiley - biggrinwell i hope you have fun on h2g2:
smiley - peacedovesmiley - ok

sunday 12,40

Post 6


well it did find me .. lol .. y u playin that silly game if its so bad?? lol ... no u weren't hallucinatin .. it were me u saw on Friday .. u were lookin worse 4 wear .. lol .. it was nice meetin Midge .. even better havin a nite out not been out in yrs
catch u later
V xxx

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