A Conversation for Tips For Cold Mornings

Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A59560383 - Tips For Surviving Cold Mornings

Post 1


Entry: Tips For Surviving Cold Mornings - A59560383
Author: Vip - U188069

I've never written a collaborative Entry before, so any help with that side of it is appreciated, along with any tips that can be incorporated.


smiley - fairy

A59560383 - Tips For Surviving Cold Mornings

Post 2

Lanzababy - Guide Editor

Two typos...

>>>having a bath or shower in the morning, you're at your most {venerable} in terms of clothing<<<

I presume you mean {vulnerable} here, but I did like the mental picture of a naked venerable person...

a warm towel {came} make all the difference when


These sentences don't read easily.

>>Sleep in the smallest room - it'll heat up much quicker. If you share a room with pets they'll heat it too.<<<

The 'smallest room' often refers to the loo - so perhaps change to the 'smallest bedroom'

and maybe

>> If you share your bedroom with pets they'll help heat it too.

A59560383 - Tips For Surviving Cold Mornings

Post 3

Lanzababy - Guide Editor

Missed off the smiley - goodluck and smiley - cheers from the last post
smiley - smiley

A59560383 - Tips For Surviving Cold Mornings

Post 4


Smallest room... ah. I see what you mean. smiley - blush

Changes made. Thanks!

smiley - fairy

A59560383 - Tips For Surviving Cold Mornings

Post 5

Lanzababy - Guide Editor

I was thinking about those little hand-warming devices. I don't know what they are called or how they work, but they are a sort of gel in a soft plastic case, that warms up by some sort of thermal process. Very useful maybe for if your bus doesn't arrive? Keep them in your handbag for emergencies?

Also, if you can't wear a hat - you can buy ear warmers. There is nothing worse than earache caused by a cold wind.

Back to pets, I used to find a quick 'dog walk' did wonders for getting the body working in the morning. It made the house seem a lot warmer when I came back home.

A59560383 - Tips For Surviving Cold Mornings

Post 6


This looks like a good start. smiley - ok

If you mention the reusable hand warmers (the ones that are clear and have a small piece of metal in - you press the piece of metal, the reaction takes place, the warmer becomes hardened and opaque and produces heat - you then boil it in a saucepan to reset it), you should mention the one-off ones as well (they're sachets with small holes in for ventilation of the contents which, once exposed to air, begins to produce heat from another reaction).

Also, there's no such thing as a tag. You can use (Unordered List, with no numbers) or (Ordered List, with numbers).

Alex smiley - smiley

A59560383 - Tips For Surviving Cold Mornings

Post 7

Magwitch - My name is Mags and I am funky.

Those hand warmer thingies are *dangerous*, especially if you've forgotten you've put them in the saucepan and walk into the kitchen as they are about to explode smiley - sillysmiley - rocket

Nearly happened to me last year - I was fortunate in that I was being even less attentive than normal and only realised *once* they'd exploded.

A59560383 - Tips For Surviving Cold Mornings

Post 8


I can't think how old-fashioned (and newly fashionable) porridge was forgotten. The complex carbohydrates will give you an energy *lift* extending well into the time when you have to go outside into the cold, and the suger/honey that many add will have an immediate boost effect.
This article http://www.guardian.co.uk/news/2005/jan/26/food.foodanddrink points out some of the *miracle* benefits.

Are you tempted to add more about scarves? Pulling them up over your mouth and nose makes icy air warmer to breathe (smiley - erm not sure about the science there, but the air does feel warmer and easier to breathe when it's really cold). It might protect against flu germs as well smiley - bigeyes

smiley - runsmiley - runsmiley - run before I get into SF mode

smiley - coolsmiley - bubbly

A59560383 - Tips For Surviving Cold Mornings

Post 9


PS. I think you've pulled this entry together really well

A59560383 - Tips For Surviving Cold Mornings

Post 10


Thanks, guys!

So far, I've added porridge and scarves, and I've changed my LISTs to OLs.

I haven't put anything about the hand warmers yet, as I'm going to do a little research first to make sure that I write about the correct things.

smiley - fairy

A59560383 - Tips For Surviving Cold Mornings

Post 11



I think I can polish what I said about cold showers.

A cold shower in the morning (except in your menstrual days) has many benefits for the body, one of them is to increase the corporal temperature. That is because cold water releases a rush of blood to the capillaries increasing the circulation through the whole body.
It´s recommended to go about it gradually if you aren´t used to it.


I´ve been googling about cold showers. There´re many more benefits than I had thought! So, it´s highly recommended.

A59560383 - Tips For Surviving Cold Mornings

Post 12


" It might protect against flu germs as well"

Er, no. smiley - tongueout

A59560383 - Tips For Surviving Cold Mornings

Post 13


even if it stops you picking your nose with germ-y hands smiley - runsmiley - runsmiley - runsmiley - runsmiley - runsmiley - runsmiley - runsmiley - run

smiley - coolsmiley - bubbly

A59560383 - Tips For Surviving Cold Mornings

Post 14


"That is because cold water releases a rush of blood to the capillaries increasing the circulation through the whole body."

Actually, a cold shower causes a reflex increase in blood pressure and heart rate, hence the sensation of a 'rush of blood'.

A59560383 - Tips For Surviving Cold Mornings

Post 15


I've given it another going over. I've added some more quotes and added a section on the hand warmers. It's starting to feel like the finished thing - but I'm sure it could handle some more tips if people have them.

smiley - fairy

A59560383 - Tips For Surviving Cold Mornings

Post 16

Malabarista - now with added pony

I'm not sure I like the "surviving" in the title - seems a bit melodramatic to me. I think people would be expecting something more like this A456068 from "surviving".

A59560383 - Tips For Cold Mornings

Post 17


I think you're right. It was good as a thread title, but not so good as an Entry title.


smiley - fairy

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