This is the Message Centre for spiderbaby

Spnge Bob

Post 1


Oh no. The christian right are attacking Sponge Bob Square Pants. They say He and his buddy could be seen as a gay couple.


Spnge Bob

Post 2

the fat gardener

Oh no, I must lead a sheltered life, I know nothing of Sponge Bob or Square Pants.smiley - erm

Spnge Bob

Post 3


Spnge Bob

Post 4

the fat gardener

I'm astounded - I couldn't see his semi-erect genitalia anywhere unfortunately - was it his tie? or his nose?...but far worse was the sentence about 'Arabiacs'! What planet are they from?smiley - erm

Spnge Bob

Post 5


This is a wind up! Ha Ha but it is an very bad taste! I am all for controlling what our children watch and I have to say that I do not consider this particular cartoon character( and the others in the same show) at all appealing. They are in my opinion, badly drawn, ugly and unnecessary but I'm not so dogmatic in my beliefs as to call into question other people's right to watch them and allow their children to do so - if they wish. The garbage on that baptist website is so fanatically biased and basically untrue that it defies belief!


Spnge Bob

Post 6


If that website ISN'T a spoof, then I'm very afraid...

Spnge Bob

Post 7


Oh it is, check out the t shirts available (or indeed ony of its content!)


Wish i'd thought of that!

Spnge Bob

Post 8


If you follow the link to Betty Bowers site it gets even more hilarious.

Spnge Bob

Post 9


The adverts are the best. A Jesus thong, the fornificator t-shirt, Betsy Bowers, Mr Bush (the Godly leader, lofl!).

Oh dear, oh dear.


Spnge Bob

Post 10


Os, is it me or are you thinking of buying one of these t-shirts??

Spnge Bob

Post 11


The Betty Bowers greetings cards are fantastic.
spidey Hi Tom. How the devil are you young man?

Spnge Bob

Post 12


I'm fine, me lady. Just doing a spot of spring cleaning, which involves me doing nothing. Great.

You off to the party??


Spnge Bob

Post 13


Naw!smiley - sadface Hub says I can't afford it!


Spnge Bob

Post 14


OMG! Sorry to butt in here but I've just followed the above link which had me smiley - rofl (and then of course I saw it - upside down - and I'm shocked!) This is one of my childrens' current favourites!! I'd just better make sure they don't watch it upside down I suppose!smiley - erm

smiley - laughBK

Spnge Bob

Post 15

the fat gardener

I see what you mean! smiley - laugh But it's only anatomy.

Spnge Bob

Post 16


But they're only 8 and 6 years old!! And they need no encouragement!smiley - laugh

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