This is the Message Centre for spiderbaby

A New Year's Eve.

Post 1


Hi to all my lovely friends.

Well another year comes to a shuddering close. Our dilemma here on GW dwarfed by terrible happenings in the world. Let's hope and pray that the aid gets to the people who are in that desperate situation quickly and effectively.

On a lighter note, thank you for your support during my own times of crisis this year and thankyou for all the wonderful writing. A HUGE thanks for all of you who have joined in the 60 word challenge and made it a great success.

It was lovely to go to the GW party and meet some faces to go with the nicknames. This year I am hoping to get out and about with my fifty plus coachcard and try to organise some get togethers of the folk I have met here and in Free Poetry.

Sadly I think we may not have this place for very much longer (although I hope against hope that something might be pulled out of the campaign bag) so here is my e mail address for anyone who wishes to continue being my mate online after we are all fragmented.

[email protected]

Join me at midnight in raising a glass to Get Writing and all who sail (or flounder about) in her!

Love and hugs to you all.


A New Year's Eve.

Post 2


I'd just like to say a big thank you to everyone, espcially those of you who were kind enough to indulge my ego.

Whether GW continues or not, we're all writers here, let's not lose sight of that.

While you're out remembering auld aquaintences tonight, spare a thought for those whose dreams and lives were washed away by the capricious Mother Nature, demonstrating yet again that this planet isn't really ours, we're just lodgers.

Happy New Year! Stay in touch, stay in tune, stay happy, stay young, but most of all, stay yourselves...

...and maybe keep to a few of those resolutions this year, eh?

A New Year's Eve.

Post 3

the fat gardener

Hi Spiderbaby and Weaver and everyone else,

Happy New Year!! Let's hope it's a creative one for us all. Hope the next three months of GW can be used to leave us inspired for future writing projects.

Spiderbaby, you're a wonder! I've had great fun with the 60/100 word challenges - have learnt a lot, and have been able to experiment. Have also enjoyed the contact and banter with some lovely people. Have really appreciated how people have taken the time to give critisism and support.

Lots of love to you all. Wishing for Peace for all corners of the world for 2005.

Resolutions? Eeek - too many to mention, but they don't involve giving up eating or alcohol! What's everyone else up to?

smiley - bubbly(drinking cheap T**co's bubbly - it's crap) XXXX

A New Year's Eve.

Post 4

Mighty Joe Young

Hi all.

You've said all that needs to be said so far.

It's been great meeting you all, and will be even greater to remain in touch no matter what.

2005 is ours for the moulding, I hope we make it worthwhile.

Happy New Year all.

Joe. smiley - bubblysmiley - discosmiley - bubbly

A New Year's Eve.

Post 5


Hiya, Happy new year!

Thoughts (and money please) go out to the folk in Asia. I was supposed to be flying out to Polhana in Sri Lanka to get married, but we fear that Tennesson and his two boys who were setting up our marriage and friends of our family have been taken by the waves.

It is really bizarre, we missed this whole event by a few days, yet it hasn't felt like a safe margin. Both my partners and my family where going to be staying in beach huts on the sea front. I can't stop thinking about the families, whole generations of families that were on that sea shore...


Go on, start the year by improving your karma, get that card out of your pocket and phone in as much money as you can afford. Please.

Yours drunk for a week



A New Year's Eve.

Post 6


Greetings to you all, and a happy, prosperous and peaceful 2005. Thanks for your company, friendship and support.

Robbsmiley - cheerssmiley - bubblysmiley - magic

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