This is the Message Centre for spiderbaby

Thought for the day

Post 21


thank yousmiley - winkeye

Thought for the day

Post 22


May I be needy today and ask for another group hug. It's the 19th Nov. 34 years ago I had a son who I gave up for adoption when he was ten days old. It's always a wobble day for me. Hence the depressing poetry.


Thought for the day

Post 23


Ah! Having lost one stillborn I can empathise with you Spidey, so lots of hugs. They say time is a great healer but some things always leave a scar. My thoughts are with you.

Robbsmiley - hugsmiley - cuddlesmiley - teasmiley - cake

Thought for the day

Post 24

Mighty Joe Young

smiley - hug

It may not be a group hug, but with the size of me it could count as one.

Joe.smiley - cheerup

Thought for the day

Post 25


Thank you darlins. I feel cuddled now!
smiley - hug

Thought for the day

Post 26


Two minutes late, but I don't care, I'll jump into the hug too!

Sorry, Spidey, for not looking at your pohums yet, but Uni essays took over. Promise to have a read in the near future.


Thought for the day

Post 27

the fat gardener

Dear Spidey, a big hug from me too. Let's all give you a big squeeze, you brave lady. X

Thought for the day

Post 28


Mate, you've gone where I'll never go.
smiley - cuddlesmiley - rose

Thought for the rest of your life.

Post 29

Mighty Joe Young


You gave your child up, you obviously had your own reasons for doing so, but one thing I think we ALL know about you is that you wouldn't have done it if you thought it was the wrong thing to do. Your actions every day are testament to the kind of person you are.

You genuinely care about others.

You've always done what you thought was right for others, and it is appreciated by them all, you know that.

You have given your time to help those less fortunate souls who didn't have a mother figure in their lives. Hell, you've even been the 'mommy' on here often enough!

The world's a better place because of you.

More power to you.

MJsmiley - hug

Thought for the rest of your life.

Post 30


And so say all of us!!!

Robbsmiley - hug

Thought for the rest of your life.

Post 31


and so I end my day
richer by far
by the kindest thoughts
from friends across the miles
faded is the black dog's bay
I will sleep well,
in smiles.

Thankyou all.

Thought for the rest of your life.

Post 32


Hope you all having a good day. I was taken out to lunch by my grood friend Elfin Girlie. I had cheesy garlic mushrooms and was a good spidey and declined cake. Did some girlie shopping too.
How are all your xmas plans going. Nooooooo don't you bah humbug me.

Chill'll happen whether or not you remember the candied chesnuts.


Thought for the rest of your life.

Post 33


Aw shucks just one little humbug peeleese??? Life is such a drag at the moment I need cheering up, and a good old fashioned humbug is just the thing!

Robbsmiley - biggrinsmiley - online2longsmiley - silly

Thought for the rest of your life.

Post 34

Mighty Joe Young


MJ (never full of X-Mas spirit)smiley - tongueout

Thought for the rest of your life.

Post 35


Nah, won't accept any excuses, gotta wear a party hat if you want ta come in.

Thought for the rest of your life.

Post 36


To summarise - we are holding a meeting at 7pm to coordinate a group site response to the closure announcement.

The meeting will be on Wordplay - I will chair it and start the thread.

Please post any ideas to raise at the meeting on this thread or in my portfolio.



Thought for the rest of your life.

Post 37


Ok, my celestial scriptwriters are having a bit of fun this week. Last tues night eldest daughter rushed to hosp. She's ok but now undergoing tests for a gynae prob. Sund night, her partner rushed in to hosp, small op, he's home now. Last weds, another social services meeting about grandson.

I have spent day with grandson, bought him some Spiderman wellies, was told, oh, other gran and grandad already got him some Bob the Builder ones. Huh!

Son and his friends turn up at midnight on sat.
"We've been to a gig in London, can we crash here." Lovely to see them all though as they al live in York and I miss them.
Today, youngest sis rings me. Other sis does not speak to mum but mum still doggedly sends her cards and sent her some tokens for xmas. Youngest sis recieved them in envelope with not wanted at this address on it. We are not telling mum. We just buy mum extra chrissie pressies with the tokens.

I got soaking wet on friday searching canterbury for a pair of converse trainers for youngest daughter.

I have a horrible cough.

The dog has a bad leg.

I refuse to stress about christmas, if something gets left out then so be it.

My hot water tank has decided to start playing silly buggers.

The dog peed on the carpet last night.

I think I am insane!!!

Happy Christmas.


Thought for the rest of your life.

Post 38

Mighty Joe Young

You only 'think' you're insane?

I thought that was already well established!smiley - winkeye

I hope your eldest and her partner are okay...

The meeting about your grandson should be just fine, they will obviously take into account what a loving gran he's got.

As for the wellies... A kid can never have too many wellies.

"Son and his friends turn up at midnight on sat. " You love 'em, so no problem!

Other sis may not speak to mum, she'll have her reasons, you'll just have to accept that, but rather than relay the pressies back, why not pass them on, but don't say they came from your mum... Maybe it's best not to get involved though.

You'll probably get pneumonia knowing your luck, but when your daughter opens the converse trainers it will be worth getting soaked for.

"The dog has a bad leg." the dog has three spares, it'll get better.

"I refuse to stress about christmas, if something gets left out then so be it." Excellent idea.

I hope your water tank is okay now.

"The dog peed on the carpet last night." simple solution... Buy some dog repellent, spray the dog with it, and he'll run out of the house trying to get away from himself and keep on going, you'll never see him again, so your carpet will be safe.

Just take a deep breath and tell yourself that everything will be ok.

Happy Christmas Alison.

Thought for the rest of your life.

Post 39


Joe, you are my rock. You keep my feet firmly on the floor.
I have oranised five thirteen yr olds into decorating the tree, sent hub to do the shopping and am just going to write the first and only list this year. I usually have a zillion lists but this year I refuse to be obsessive about it.

I've already got my bestest pressie. Mum sent me money and I bought a long black velvet coat from charity shop and have change to spare.

I know you don't want me to but I will do it anyway

Happy christmas Joe. Happy everything!


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