This is the Message Centre for spiderbaby

List for 60 word A numbers

Post 61


Thank you to lyndabk and the fat gardener and spidey.
Spidey that’s why it’s taken all day to do my votes because I’ve been trying to catch the spiders.

Spiderbaby A3088587 7
haveago A3093248 -
the fat gardener A3094490 7
Kate A3094427 8
Kate A3094977 6
johnmecca A3095444 8
johnmecca A3095615 6
Weaver A3100131 7
Weaver A3101428 6
haveago A3102751 -
Serindippidydog A3103688 7
Enigmatic1 A3105226 9
Enigmatic1 A3105271 6
ASmallNumber A3106955 6
ASmallNumber A3106964 7
justeve A3107422 7
justeve A3107413 9
the fat gardener A3110473 8
bushkite A3112967 7
bushkite A3113029 7
Halfajobdun A3122029 7
Halfajobdun A3122155 9
lyndabk A3124379 8
NaeThyme A3125305 7
MRSLooRoll A3127367 8
MRSLooRoll A3127402 8
ray A3129185 8
NaeThyme A3135395 7
ray A3135511 7

smiley - silly

List for 60 word A numbers

Post 62


Spiderbaby A3088587 7
haveago A3093248 6
the fat gardener A3094490 8
Kate A3094427 7.5
Kate A3094977 6
johnmecca A3095444 7
johnmecca A3095615 8
Weaver A3100131 7.5
Weaver A3101428 7
haveago A3102751 7
Serindippidydog A3103688 6
Enigmatic1 A3105226 7
Enigmatic1 A3105271 8
ASmallNumber A3106955 6.5
ASmallNumber A3106964 7.5
justeve A3107422 7
justeve A3107413 7.5
the fat gardener A3110473 7.5
bushkite A3112967 6.5
bushkite A3113029 7
Halfajobdun A3122029 7
Halfajobdun A3122155 7
lyndabk A3124379
NaeThyme A3125305 7
MRSLooRoll A3127367 8
MRSLooRoll A3127402 7.5
roy A3129185 7
NaeThyme A3135395 6.5
roy A3135511 8.5

Phew, it's getting tougher to mark these.

Great read everyone, well done

List for 60 word A numbers

Post 63


Spiderbaby A3088587 8
haveago A3093248 8
the fat gardener A3094490 6
Kate A3094427 7
Kate A3094977 7
johnmecca A3095444 7
johnmecca A3095615 7
Weaver A3100131 7
Weaver A3101428 8
haveago A3102751 7
Serindippidydog A3103688 6
Enigmatic1 A3105226 5
Enigmatic1 A3105271 5
ASmallNumber A3106955 7
ASmallNumber A3106964 8
justeve A3107422 8
justeve A3107413 8
the fat gardener A3110473 7
bushkite A3112967 7
bushkite A3113029 7
Halfajobdun A3122029 -
Halfajobdun A3122155 -
lyndabk A3124379 7
NaeThyme A3125305 7
MRSLooRoll A3127367 7
MRSLooRoll A3127402 8
roy A3129185 7
NaeThyme A3135395 7
roy A3135511 7

List for 60 word A numbers

Post 64


Spiderbaby A3088587 8
haveago A3093248 7
the fat gardener A3094490 7
Kate A3094427 7
Kate A3094977 8
johnmecca A3095444 8
johnmecca A3095615 7
Weaver A3100131 8.5
Weaver A3101428 7
haveago A3102751 9.5
Serindippidydog A3103688 7
Enigmatic1 A3105226 7
Enigmatic1 A3105271 6.5
ASmallNumber A3106955 8
ASmallNumber A3106964 7
justeve A3107422
justeve A3107413
the fat gardener A3110473 7.5
bushkite A3112967 7
bushkite A3113029 8
Halfajobdun A3122029 7
Halfajobdun A3122155 8
lyndabk A3124379 7
NaeThyme A3125305 7
MRSLooRoll A3127367 8
MRSLooRoll A3127402 8
roy A3129185 8.5
NaeThyme A3135395 7.5
roy A3135511 7.5

List for 60 word A numbers

Post 65


Spiderbaby A3088587 6
haveago A3093248 6
the fat gardener A3094490 6
Kate A3094427 -
Kate A3094977 -
johnmecca A3095444 7
johnmecca A3095615 6
Weaver A3100131 6
Weaver A3101428 8
haveago A3102751 7
Serindippidydog A3103688 6
Enigmatic1 A3105226 8.5
Enigmatic1 A3105271 7
ASmallNumber A3106955 8
ASmallNumber A3106964 8
justeve A3107422 6
justeve A3107413 8
the fat gardener A3110473 6
bushkite A3112967 7
bushkite A3113029 8.5
Halfajobdun A3122029 7.5
Halfajobdun A3122155 8.5
lyndabk A3124379 8.5
NaeThyme A3125305 6
MRSLooRoll A3127367 9
MRSLooRoll A3127402 8
roy A3129185 9
NaeThyme A3135395 6
roy A3135511 8

Some of these stuck in my head and will be there for ages. What a brilliant exercise. There's some great writing and some great ideas, and sometimes they come together. I enjoyed reading them all. K

List for 60 word A numbers

Post 66


Here's me votes. Sorry about the lateness, just awoke not 30 minutes ago...

Spiderbaby A3088587 7
haveago A3093248 6
the fat gardener A3094490 6
Kate A3094427 8
Kate A3094977 7
johnmecca A3095444
johnmecca A3095615
Weaver A3100131 -7
Weaver A3101428 -8
haveago A3102751 6
Serindippidydog A3103688 5
Enigmatic1 A3105226 7
Enigmatic1 A3105271 9
ASmallNumber A3106955 8
ASmallNumber A3106964 6
justeve A3107422 8
justeve A3107413 8
the fat gardener A3110473 7
bushkite A3112967 6
bushkite A3113029 7
Halfajobdun A3122029 5
Halfajobdun A3122155 7
lyndabk A3124379 8
NaeThyme A3125305 9
MRSLooRoll A3127367 7
MRSLooRoll A3127402 6
roy A3129185 8
NaeThyme A3135395 6
roy A3135511 8

List for 60 word A numbers

Post 67


Negative scores, jm? Did enig put you up to it...?

List for 60 word A numbers

Post 68


The power of suggestion smiley - zen

List for 60 word A numbers

Post 69


Bet you wish you'd thought of it...

Changing the subject completely...

D'you play backgammon?

List for 60 word A numbers

Post 70


whoops, sorry bout that Weav...
Supposed to be the positive kind, suppose I forgot to delete a hyphen.
Disregard the ( - ) sign then, the scores stand on the plus side!

Johnathon smiley - bubbly

List for 60 word A numbers

Post 71


Unless you mean playing with my food, consisting of a salty ham meat... no, I can't say I do.

Why is that?

List for 60 word A numbers

Post 72


because if you did, I was going to suggest a game

List for 60 word A numbers

Post 73


I'd much rather have a bout of fisty-cuffs smiley - weird

I used to play a mean game of draughts... but with age my skills have depleted. smiley - sadface

List for 60 word A numbers

Post 74


Drum roll....the scores from Suffolk are as follows:

Spiderbaby A3088587 7.5
haveago A3093248 6
the fat gardener A3094490 7
Kate A3094427 8
Kate A3094977 7
johnmecca A3095444 9
johnmecca A3095615 7
Weaver A3100131 7
Weaver A3101428 7.5
haveago A3102751 7.5
Serindippidydog A3103688 7
Enigmatic1 A3105226 7.5
Enigmatic1 A3105271 9
ASmallNumber A3106955 8
ASmallNumber A3106964 8
justeve A3107422 7.5
justeve A3107413 8
the fat gardener A3110473 7.5
bushkite A3112967 7
bushkite A3113029 8
Halfajobdun A3122029 8
Halfajobdun A3122155 7
lyndabk A3124379 8.5
NaeThyme A3125305 8
MRSLooRoll A3127367 6
MRSLooRoll A3127402 9
roy A3129185 -
NaeThyme A3135395 8
roy A3135511 -

List for 60 word A numbers

Post 75


Here are the scores. It was a lot closer this time.

Spiderbaby A3088587 104
haveago A3093248 94
the fat gardener A3094490 100
Kate A3094427 108
Kate A3094977 94
johnmecca A3095444 104
johnmecca A3095615 104
Weaver A3100131 102.5
Weaver A3101428 111
haveago A3102751 102.5
Serindippidydog A3103688 99
Enigmatic1 A3105226 105.5
Enigmatic1 A3105271 101.5
ASmallNumber A3106955 100.5
ASmallNumber A3106964 104.5
justeve A3107422 104.5
justeve A3107413 104
the fat gardener A3110473 100
bushkite A3112967 94
bushkite A3113029 100
Halfajobdun A3122029 97.5
Halfajobdun A3122155 105.5
lyndabk A3124379 111.5
NaeThyme A3125305 99.5
MRSLooRoll A3127367 112.5
MRSLooRoll A3127402 111
ray A3129185 107.5
NaeThyme A3135395 99.5
ray A3135511 107

1st MRSLooRoll A3127367 112.5
2nd lyndabk A3124379 111.5
3rd Weaver A3101428 111 and MRSLooRoll A3127402 111

smiley - bubbly Congratulations to the three of you. smiley - bubbly

List for 60 word A numbers

Post 76


Another set of different winners. Good show smiley - winkeye Well done to all.

List for 60 word A numbers

Post 77


Amazingly close. Couldn't happen to a nicer bunch of people!

List for 60 word A numbers

Post 78


I agreesmiley - winkeye

List for 60 word A numbers

Post 79


Well done you three! smiley - bubblysmiley - magic

List for 60 word A numbers

Post 80


Looby: a deserved winner.

I can't really recall the other two.

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