This is the Message Centre for spiderbaby

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Post 1


I’m sure I can say for the majority of us here that you have nothing to be sorry for and are happy you have decided to stay.

smiley - smileysmiley - hugsmiley - smiley

The Right Choice.

Post 2

Mighty Joe Young


smiley - hugsmiley - cakesmiley - tea

Joe smiley - winkeye

The Right Choice.

Post 3

GentlyU[Save GW!]

Hurrah!smiley - cheers

The Right Choice.

Post 4


smiley - hugsmiley - cheerup

Kitty smiley - biggrin

The Right Choice.

Post 5


Spin that web of witty wonder and whip that wit and leather chair still! Would have spoken earlier but was in a different world, cool to see you in this one! smiley - cool

Jen smiley - bubblysmiley - winkeye

The Right Choice.

Post 6


Definitely right for you to stay....keep up the fight against the bad guys, and the disturbed loons like mr. m.-check out my portfolio for his final words to me!!No apology, then?!

smiley - hug

Cameron......definitely leaving the madhouse now!

The Right Choice.

Post 7


smiley - wah

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