This is the Message Centre for Lizzbett

Season's Greetings

Post 1


This time next week, my brother will be a married mansmiley - bubbly and I shall be politely applauding the speeches (or possibly throwing tomatoes, depending on the quality of said speechessmiley - tomato)

After the wedding, I shall be going home with my parents to spend three days stranded in the Lincolnshire Fenssmiley - yikes, so the likelihood is that I wont be dropping by hootoo again until after the festive season.

That being the case, I would like to wish all my hootoo friends (well, the few that are still here at any rate) a very Merry Christmas.

Catch y'all again in about 10 days.

Love and a wet kipper
smiley - crackersmiley - xmaspudsmiley - crackersmiley - hollysmiley - crackersmiley - xmastreesmiley - cracker

Season's Greetings

Post 2

Opticalillusion- media mynx life would be boring without hiccups

At life times can be hard but you will get through it. Merry Christmas

opti smiley - bluebutterfly

Season's Greetings

Post 3


Oh liz....i didn't know about the wedding...despite having read about your outfit,and your mums' too!!!Here'sa toast to your brother and sister-in-lawsmiley - bubblyi wish them health and happiness always.
I hope you have a lovely Christmassmiley - holly,and a happy and prosperous new yearsmiley - hug,and look forward to hearing about how the whole wedding /Christmas wentsmiley - smiley

Season's Greetings

Post 4


Me too smiley - biggrin, I hope you had a fantastic time smiley - smiley

Season's Greetings

Post 5


It was all very splendid. A full report can be found on my blog (, although sadly no photos as I don't seem to be able to upload them at the moment. Stoopid blogger!

The wedding was a really nice day, one of the best weddings I've ever been to in factsmiley - smiley. The Bride looked gorgeous and the groom looked very pleased with himself!smiley - laugh They are currently on honeymoon in Finnish Lapland. I had a New Year's message yesterday that said "We met Rudolph and he was delicious." Last night they slept in a glass igloo with views of the stars and the night before they were in an actual ice igloo! Can't wait to see their photos.

Christmas at Mumsy's was quiet but very nice and then my Dear Old Dad drove me all the way home and proceeded to 'mend' my toilet.

And now it's all oversmiley - sadface. I can't believe that I have to do back to work tomorrow - I was away for so much of the Christmas break that I don't really feel as though I've had a holiday at all - I could do with at least another week of dossing about at homesmiley - laugh.

2006 was such a fantastic year that I can't help but feel a tad apprehensive here at the start of 2007 (particularly as I have a large birthday coming up this year). I have, of course, started the year in print; I sent a text to page 143 on itv teletext yesterday and my message is the first one on there today!

Let us hope that 2006 will be as fun-packed as 2007 (but preferably not as expensive!)

Happy New Year one and all!smiley - bubblysmiley - bubblysmiley - bubblysmiley - bubbly


Season's Greetings

Post 6


I still can't persuade Blogger to let me upload any photos, so I have put a few pics from my brother's wedding onto Yahoo, and should you be interested, you can view them here:,ren%3as,1%3af,0


Season's Greetings

Post 7


Lovely pictures, you looked great! I fully agree about hoping 2007 will be less expensive after a baby, christening and a wedding smiley - bigeyes. There are two big birthdays coming up with my family too with my mum reaching 50 and my brother 21 on the same day (17th July). I haven't been in an igloo since I made one, at about the age of 7 smiley - sadface, sounds like a fantastic honeymoon smiley - magic.

Season's Greetings

Post 8


Thanks for sharing the wedding pictures...they're lovely!
Your mum certainly knows how to match everything,i never manage to get everything so exact!!
The glass igloo sounds amazing,that must have been a wonderful experience,i can't say that i'd relish the prospect of smiley - snowballonesmiley - brr

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