This is the Message Centre for Palin Majere

Linux in our Time

Post 1

Wookey (47798)

I am a also pro Linux, and am very pleased to see it growing into a wide selection of businesses as a better server platform than other alternatives. But more interesting is it's potential to grow as a desktop solution, particularly as the new raft of widow managers are more user friendly and wont scare off the average user with big configuration files. Lets watch the penguins grow.

Linux in our Time

Post 2

Dr. Destructo

Go linux advocacy!!! I am also a Redhat user. I am fond of all the new goodies included in 6.0. It is not far away form the desktop. I refuse to pay for windows. My company uses only Linux and MacOS. I am looking into phaseing out MacOS, but we have to have somthing to run Illistrator and Flash on. If only Macromedia and Adobe would port all their apps.....

Linux in our Time

Post 3



Linux in our Time

Post 4

Will Jenkins (Dead)

I'm a Redhat user as well (6.1) although I have to confess to using Win2K as well smiley - sadface
William Jenkins,
Scout & Patron Saint of Tea

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