This is the Message Centre for EreComesThePain

G & S

Post 1


Hi Gino... are you deleting conversations? I clicked on the the meow one to answer then I decided to look at your page first to see what was wrong when I went to find the meow it had gone... you should keep all your messages to begin with.. lots of info on them too... anyway your page is still ok when I checked.. is there something that you want to add or replace I will help if I can.. wondered where you were tonight ha a look in yoome and I think eggy was a bit lost too.. he had gone by the time I went in but he left 3 messages lol..
Sam smiley - cat

G & S

Post 2


hello samsmiley - rosesmiley - rosei think its ok but my space has changed a bit now lol.i got h2g2 green bar on the top where as b4 it had a complete white page with the "front page,my space and so on,on the left now its on a yellow bar on the top lol.smiley - wahi told u i am usless smiley - kisssmiley - kiss

G & S

Post 3


dont worry you have changed the skin... go to LDERS COPY PAGE do search for LDERS... page down till you see click here for PLAIN SKIN... when you've done that page down again and accept preference changes it only works in plain skin for digi box users
if you got probs let me know and I will do it for you xxx
smiley - love S

G & S

Post 4


Gino I hope you are ok there... if you cant do it.. leave me your p/w in e-mail or on yoome 2 and I will go in and change it for you... its not difficult but i've done it loads of times... I got to go to bed now.. good luck smiley - goodluck

smiley - love S

G & S

Post 5


Hi Gino, are you still on? saw your name on-line but I got booted so not going to look agian lol.. just in, had a night out with the girls as it was my birthday on Wed.. how are you doing?

smiley - love S

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