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Post 121


i am on my final written warning at the moment so that why i could be saked


Post 122

^Alleycat^ like anagrams?? follow me >>>>>

Oh I see, oh dear Eoin, this is not the best time of year for companies to take on new staff as most of them are trying to make up what they lost during the holiday period etc etc.. but I wish you luck anyhow, are you at work just now? just that you said earlier when you come back on the 5th you will most likely be sacked..

smiley - love S


Post 123


i am in work tonight then im off till sunday then i have to come in at 4pm on monday 5th for my meeting..
if i do get the sack i will get a new job no problem i think but it wont be up here i would go back to london which is what i wanted to do in the long run anyway.
the only thing what kept me in this town was the job and if i dont have the job theres nothing up here for me


Post 124

^Alleycat^ like anagrams?? follow me >>>>>

smiley - sorry for the delay.. I got caught up in the word games.. well I hope you do find something and as you say you wanted to go to London anyway.. good luck I hope you find something very soon.. So have you been to any parties over the period?

smiley - love S


Post 125


no parties yet cause i spent so much time with family and i dont know if i will be going to any this year we will have to wait and see


Post 126

^Alleycat^ like anagrams?? follow me >>>>>

yes, of course, with your Dad not being well.. I went out Sat night to this new 'in' place.. it was crap so ended up at the Irish pub and had a great laugh, and we were singing and dancing too, much more fun.. and a hell of a lot cheaper too.. just wish we had went there in the first place, but at least we can say we've tried the other place, it had all been re-done but it just looked cheap to me..

smiley - love S


Post 127


are you off out for the new year for the past 3 years ive been at the dome in london but its something different there this year


Post 128

^Alleycat^ like anagrams?? follow me >>>>>

Afraid not this year, my mate really doesnt like New Year so it looks like i'll be on my own but i'm not that bothered, I can always wish people on here happy new year and of course i'll be making a few phone calls too... i've never even been to Edinburgh at New Year but one of these years i'll get there.. Well Eoin i'm off to bed now and I wish you all the luck in the world if things go pear shaped on the 5th.. althought I hope you will be here..
All the best for 2004, smiley - bubblyclinksmiley - bubbly health, wealth and happiness to you and yours..

It's kinda sad really cause I might not speak to you again smiley - wah

biggg hugggggs

smiley - love S


Post 129


well i will be here on sunday


Post 130

^Alleycat^ like anagrams?? follow me >>>>>

Oh bbbbbblast... I said all that for nothing smiley - rofl well I hope i'm here on Sunday for your last day... and maybe if I read your posts correctly I wouldnt make mistakes smiley - blue right thats me off to bed this time, I'll put my mistake down to tiredness smiley - smiley

Nite Nite...

smiley - love S


Post 131


we all make mistakes
well i dont but everyone else does

any how sleep well


Post 132

^Alleycat^ like anagrams?? follow me >>>>>

smiley - rofl


Post 133


now get off to bed

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