This is the Message Centre for GNP Aaron

Ah, forget it.

Post 1

GNP Aaron

Nobody wants to join the club. Oh well... Does anyone come here? I think since I lost the Frink's banner, this place has been deserted. LA di dah di day. Since there's noone here, I think I'll lay around naked.

Ah, forget it.

Post 2

The Ghost Of TV's Frink

Sorry about the Club Lance smiley - sadface I've not tried the ICQ thing, but I kind of like the delay post system they've got here. Gives one time to think.....

Sorry you lost your banner also........I've got bills to pay, and someone else offered me higher rates smiley - smiley

Ah, forget it.

Post 3

GNP Aaron

Waaah! *puts on clothes again*
I wont stop you leaseing out your banner.... as long as it stops you getting kneecapped by the mob... BTW, as an ex-coloradian (?) have you ever heard of a town called woody creek? I think it's near aspen...


Ah, forget it.

Post 4

The Ghost Of TV's Frink

Never heard of that one.....then again, I've never been to Aspen. There were so many ski resorts closer to Denver (and slightly cheaper - but only *slightly*)

Ah, forget it.

Post 5

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

Hey, you'll get my hormones all in an uproar!

Where are you lying around?

Ah, forget it.

Post 6

GNP Aaron

* lance hangs off fan *

Up here!

Ah, forget it.

Post 7

The Ghost Of TV's Frink

Sorry, if you go up a few replies, you'll see Lance is now clothed again.....

Ah, forget it.

Post 8

The Ghost Of TV's Frink

......and yet amazingly athletic, apparently

Ah, forget it.

Post 9

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

especially if it's set on fast.

Ah, forget it.

Post 10

GNP Aaron

*Lance lets go of the fan and is flung into the wall, sliding down it in a cartoonish manner.*

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