This is the Message Centre for GarudaJones

Well well, Mr Jones I presume?

Post 1

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor


Got the right place thensmiley - ok

Welcome to hootoo! I'm Galaxy Babe aka GB aka smiley - galaxysmiley - diva

If you get stuck just gimme a yell. Really, what I don't know about this site ain't worth knowingsmiley - whistle

smiley - winkeye

smiley - galaxysmiley - diva

Well well, Mr Jones I presume?

Post 2


Hey GB
A most appreciative GJ here, and yes, I probably WILL call for your assistance sometime soon!
This place is full of lovely people!smiley - blush
All the best

Well well, Mr Jones I presume?

Post 3

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

smiley - loveblush

It sure issmiley - ok

Now then, first order of business, what's your preferred drink of choice? smiley - tea or smiley - coffee? smiley - chocsmiley - 2cents or smiley - donut or smiley - cake? I need to know for the smiley - rose & silver tray delivery servicesmiley - evilgrin

Well well, Mr Jones I presume?

Post 4

Demon Drawer

Just as long as all the mistakes you may make are wildly inaccurate us long-termers won't mind.

Welcome to the good ship hootoo.

GB no know the issues Eddy ahs in producing smiley - tea for TBTB.

Well well, Mr Jones I presume?

Post 5


A nice cuppa always goes down a treatsmiley - winkeye
Still ploughing through all the twists and turns of this site.

Well well, Mr Jones I presume?

Post 6

Demon Drawer

Just one word of warning.

If you end up in the basement, without the light, and without the stairs. Looking for anything in the locked filling cabinet in the disused lavatory, just beware of the leopard. smiley - biggrin

Well well, Mr Jones I presume?

Post 7

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

*hands over a spare smiley - eureka*

There's a smiley for everything (including emergency smiley - chocolateteapot) you just have to remember how to spell them and you'll be alrightsmiley - ok

Do you need a smiley - biro? Got plenty of thosesmiley - birosmiley - birosmiley - biroalthough don't wander round that basement in smiley - footprints or you'll regret itsmiley - yikes damned snails!!smiley - yuk

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