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The end of an era

Post 1


I'm not sure if I've come to terms with the departure of Kelly Brook from Channel 4's Big Breakfast yet. No, I think it might take some time.

Agreed, she'd not the sharpest tool in the box, but Johnny Vaughan's energetic wit and Kelly's more, erm, physical charms were a winning combination, IMO, and have set many a day off to a fine start.

We'll have to see.

The end of an era

Post 2


A thread was removed a week or two ago from the 5 most popular list because of people saying that enjoyable breakfast television requires more than breasts. Still, it is good that she's gone as she didn't have a sense of humour. I'm always wary of people that appear in Loaded, too, as it suggests that they understand the strange london-speak perpetrated therein. Hopefully the replacement will be someone with a brain rather than mere breasts. My girlfriend mentioned that she'd heard Liza Tarbuck had the job - true or not? I don't want to have to buy a tabloid to find out. At least she's got some cynicism as opposed to bubbliness to offset the perpetual vaughan smugness.

The end of an era

Post 3


Liza Tarbuck was one of the stand-ins while KB was on holiday and did a fine job, as did another, Sara Cox, or something.

The end of an era

Post 4


Sarah Cox is still on the show (for this week at least) ans she would have been my choice for a replacement. Unfortunatly they went for Lisa Tarbuck instead. Don't know when she officially starts though.

I will miss Kelly Brook, she made it very easy to get up in the morning!

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