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(Full) Bottle Bank

Post 1


I've decided to offer my services as a disposal point for unwanted full bodied red wine (Shiraz, Cabernet Sauvignon, that kind of thing.)

If you have any unopened bottles that are burning a hole in your wine rack, drop me a line and I'll arrange to drink them for you.

(Full) Bottle Bank

Post 2


I'm one of those really irritating people that always put the wrong thing in bottle banks. Unfortunately my stock of FULL red wine bottles is rather depleted, but I do have a full bottle of sour milk you can have if you like - oh blast I have just dropped it on the floor, now its empty! Erm, let me have a look, Tomato Ketchup Bottle its FULL or erm Evian Water Bottle, its full but not of Evian - no sorry can't help.

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(Full) Bottle Bank

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