A Conversation for Lee and Herring

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Post 1

Jink Bo

They are lesser known because they are not funny.

Their shows are crap, and they make me feel ill.

I sincerely hope they never return to TV or any broadcasting medium for that matter.

Even thinking about them makes me feel unwell.


Lee and Herring

Post 2


Oh please, the standard of debate here.

L&H are funny sometimes and crap others - name any comediens/ennes who aren't.

More interesting is that Rich H is often to be seen around Balham and looks in theflesh just as unkempt etc as he does in the titles of TWMRNJ. Didn't somebody write something about art holding a mirror up to life ?

Lee and Herring

Post 3

Jink Bo

Reeves & Mortimer
Morecambe & Wise
Laurel & Hardy
Bernard Manning
Steve Cougan
Paul Merton

To name just a few, do you want me to go on?

Your are obviously a sad minor star spotter who takes to the streets of Balham just to get a glimpse.

Lee and Herring

Post 4


If Jink Bo likes Steve Coogan so much, you'd think he could spell his name right.

If comedy is to work, it has to be near the edge, and it therefore runs the risk of going over the edge - Monty Python is extremely hit and miss, but was truly ground-breaking.

As for Balham, no - i usually only take to the streets to go to Sainsbury's.

Lee and Herring

Post 5

Jink Bo

I agree to that.

Bur surely you are not comparing Monty Python to Lee & Herring?

Lee and Herring

Post 6


Can safely agree that, whatever their merits L&H are some way inferior to the Pythons.

Lee and Herring

Post 7

Researcher 210082

I remember Lee and Herring, and especially the "consider the lily" sketch, (which proved quite useful in a religious studies exam), but does anyone else? I would be interested in seeing a tape of their show if anyone knows where one of these can be found..... Obviously this question is only aimed at those who don't feel physically sick at the sound of "Lee and Herring"....


Post 8


You can't say that Lee and Herring aren't funny because humour is such a subjective thing.


Post 9


I just thought I should mention in the interests of accuracy/anorak-style pedantry that Lee & Herring's first "mass media debut" was on Radio 4 on October 8 1992 with the first episode of a show called Lionel Nimrod's Inexplicable World which ran for 2 series. It co-starred Armando Iannucci and Rebecca Front and featured Tom Baker as Lionel Nimrod. There is an impressive, extensive, entertaining and user-friendly "labour-of-love" style fan site at http://www.fistoffun.net/ (including downloads) which I heartily recommend to anyone who quite likes that sort of thing.

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