This is the Message Centre for Lochangel

Guilty pleasures

Post 21

badger party tony party green party

I have or had it might be lost forever or just in the bottom of a box (ive moved house 5 times in the last 8 years) Joe le Taxi by Vanessa Paridis. Its not the music that'sso bad its the reason I bought it. i only got it because I had a massive crush on Miss Paradis. I only like it because I think her voice is sexy and French. Which isnt saying much because she is Frenchand I was a teenage boy nearly every woman was sexy to me.

I feel guilty because I heartily hate every rcord that is thrust into prominence on the strength of the bands sex appeal.

I dont feel embarassed though people say I should about "Remember your a Womble" though.

one love smiley - rainbow

Guilty pleasures

Post 22

Mu Beta

I've never been a Buffy fan, but I can confirm that I did enjoy said episode.


Guilty pleasures

Post 23


I never used to be a Buffy fan, and then I watched it end to end. I wouldn't say that Im a Buffy fan now, but I certainly hold it in higher regard then before I started. Unlike Xena, which, once you watch it end to end, is actually rather good.

smiley - fairy

Guilty pleasures

Post 24


Xena rocks!

smiley - loveblush

Guilty pleasures

Post 25

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

Shufflewang threw up "Lucky Stars" by Dean Friedman last night. I was desperately hoping it would follow that with "The Bastard Son Of Dean Friedman" by Half Man Half Biscuit, but alas not.

Guilty pleasures

Post 26


Dear Lord, that's now three people I know (including myself and the person who introduced me to them, Pastey) who have ever talked about Half Man Half Biscuit.

Any one else woken up to the Hair Like Briam May Blues?

smiley - fairy

Guilty pleasures

Post 27

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

No, but I was once struck down by an Outbreak of Vitas Gerulaitis. smiley - ill

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