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My IRL leaving do

Post 1


Well after managing to write a letter to every medical school in the country I was eventually dragged kicking and screaming to the pub! Ok so it wasn't so much of a struggle but I did feel quite guilty about leaving so much undone! That lasted all of about 10 minutes as I finally realised that that was it - I was free of the place. Cue much drinking - what I remember is two and half pints, 4 Moscow mules and 5 double vodkas - taken neat with no ice! Soon it was down to a hardcore of five of us - cue much telling each other how gorgeous we all were. I am surprised that more of the other patrons in the pub weren't physically sick. All I remember is that me and Mark seemed to get progressively more sobre and that he became progressively more attractive. Then Karin our PA stood up and found that she couldn't. Fortunately then her boyfriend turned up to prop her up. He bought with him a Spanish friend called George who I had a very long and interesting conversation with. George's English is not very good but a damn site better then my Spanish. We chatted away 13 to the dozen but I am not sure that we were talking about the same thing. Can't remember getting home - do remember having a huge bowl of pasta and watching several films which were all incomprehensible. Woke up this morning in agony - dragged myself onto the sofa and watched The Morning Line with a huge bowl of Frosties and a vat of tea. Still feeling dead rough - but a bit more of a tiger! 

My IRL leaving do

Post 2

Mr Sapsea

so hardcore, dragging yourself up for the morning line..and barry's bismark.
I decided tonight that alcahol would always be a part of my life

My IRL leaving do

Post 3


Oh is that a good thing or a bad thing DL? You have me worried!

My IRL leaving do

Post 4

Mr Sapsea

just drunken babbling...I decided this morning never to touch the stuff again too,
so who knows?!

My IRL leaving do

Post 5


Phew - that is alright then smiley - smiley

Feeling any better?

My IRL leaving do

Post 6


Isuggest that if you feel sick you should swallow a piece of bacon rind on a bit of hairy string and pull it back up again.

If that didn't make you fell better you do it again. It's amazing how many peole say how well they feel when presented with that option.

My IRL leaving do

Post 7

Mr Sapsea

good job I felt better before reading this!!

My IRL leaving do

Post 8


Soooo. If you want to feel better - don't read it!

My IRL leaving do

Post 9

Sidney Kidney, AKA Gruby Ben, friend of Dirty Den

Soooo, a good time was had by all!!!

Take it easy for a few days, relect on your past and look forward to your new future.

Stuff work and enjoy life.....

My IRL leaving do

Post 10


Sid that is exactly what i intend to do and from where I am standing - the future is looking very very bright indeed!

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