This is the Message Centre for deestobie

Hello Dee!

Post 1


Hi Dee

I'd forgotten you lived in Somerset!

There's not many of us.

You can't get away from religion! The village I'm teaching in is Isle Abbotts, halfway between Ilminster and Langport. Small as the village is there's a church and a chapel. I was told the hall was opposite the church - I even knocked on the vicar's door, certain I was in the right place.

Nope, it was half a mile away opposite the chapel!smiley - sadface

I was expecting 8 - and 12 turned up! I did a (very poor) imitation of you know who, trying to stretch the ingredients so everybody had enough.

It was a lovely session - and it's the same students tomorrow, so I'm really looking forward to it.

About h2g2 - I don't think we use it half enough. I'm thinking about starting a thread to get people to open up their account.

It's got a couple of uses:
It never closes down
you can contact people away from the hurly-burly of the boards
And you can have a semi-private conversation.

That's it - back to the planning and preparation. I'm just wondering whether I should boil the potatoes tonight, so it's done for the morn!smiley - erm

Keep the faith!smiley - laugh

Cheers, Paulsmiley - smiley

Hello Dee!

Post 2


Hello my Darlin'!!

To address your post in no order whatsoever:

Do the potatoes tonight (if I'm not replying too late). The alternative is to oversleep tomorrow and panic - the last thing you need.

Best of luck with the session!

I agree that h2g2 needs to be used more - it doesn't close and the modding seems to be a little more tolerant smiley - smiley.

Am I right in thinking you live over Frome way?


Hello Dee!

Post 3


Done the spuds, so that's one thing out of the way.

Minor panic, though - I appear to have left my block of fresh yeast in the care home I worked in today!smiley - sadface

Means I'll have to nip into Sainsbury's - at least it's on the way.

Not Frome - Just outside Taunton, village called Monkton Heathfield. Been in the same house for 35 years, though from Lancashire originally.

Still sorting out what I'm using tomorrow and what I need for Monday - did I say the third and last session was on Monday?

Had to shop for both sessions today, and fire off an email with the recipes for Monday.

And I've got some rolls in the oven. Decided my 5:1 ratio of wholemeal to white was just a little too healthy and went for 2:1 with the result they've come up like balloons!smiley - smiley

Got to go - oh, loved your latest post on Steve's thread!smiley - laugh

Cheers, Paulsmiley - smiley

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