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ahhh but who say anyone will read what you wrote..

Post 1

sassy gal

just because the space is here for you to share your profound thoughts with the rest of us..

does not mean very many people will drop by to peruse your words of wisdom.. or lunacy as the case may be..

ahhh but who say anyone will read what you wrote..

Post 2


Pessimist. Have proven by sending this that browsing H2G2 is rather more enlightning than going to bed (the only other thing I'm likely to do in the next half hour)

ahhh but who say anyone will read what you wrote..

Post 3


OK, point taken. I've read the article you were referring to.

do you often reply before you read the articles.??

Post 4

sassy gal

seems rather strange that you would reply to my comments without reading what they were in reference to !!!

but I am not a pessimist..very much the optimist..was just being my sassy self. ;- )

do you often reply before you read the articles.??

Post 5


No. It was a mistake and I am very, very sorry. It won't happen again. If it does, I'll go and find a tall building to jump off. In the meantime, I'll be more thorough with my researching in the future (watch this space).

how about finding a step instead ?

Post 6

sassy gal

figure if you jump off a step..rather than a tall building the landing will be easier..

on the positive side.. you are very polite...and finding that is becoming rare in this day and many people only concerned with themselves.. all the small courtesies...seem to have disappeared..

on the lighter side... ever see how they film those movies where someone jumps off a tall building.. always a ledge to catch them.. same as when they jump off a cliff..

so if you want to try the tall building..let me get the ledge in place first.. *G*

how about finding a step instead ?

Post 7


Ah, thankyou for the interest in my welfare! Flattered by the comments on being polite. Not sure which forum to put this in - stumbled accross another forum article of your's which started '', nope can't remember, and I've become so embroiled in reading another that I think I'll give up. It did run along the lines of 'haven't read all of what this refers to, but replying anyway'. Yes, you may well think that. I couldn't possibly comment. Sorry, you're not English, are you? Next time you visit our attractive little isle, look up a TV series called 'Pack of Cards' (think I've got the right name there) - it was quite good.

well in this place one can flit from forum entry to reply depending on the search you do..impossible to read everything

Post 8

sassy gal

never had the pleasure of visiting England yet..though both of my grandmothers were born there.. *G* guess I could claim citizenship..

Canadian actually..but hope to visit your country one day... explore my "roots"

some of the discussions are so long.. would take ages to read them all..and respond to each little piece..

have found when I do a search on some word or other..takes me into the middle of some other discussion..but often see a post that catches my eye..feel like responding to

will have to look for that (Pack of Cards)... a number of your shows do actually make it onto Canadian tv....
find the humour a welcome change from the North American style..

well in this place one can flit from forum entry to reply depending on the search you do..impossible to read everything

Post 9


Pack of Cards was a very sharp drama - extremely watchable but it'd take some stretch of the imagination to call it comedy. On the other hand, if you're looking for something of our's that is humorous, try *goes away to compile list ... back in a minute*

well in this place one can flit from forum entry to reply depending on the search you do..impossible to read everything

Post 10


(in no particular order)

Not the Nine O'Clock News
Monty Python's Flying Circus
The Fast Show
Red Dwarf
Big Train
The League of Gentlemen
The Simpsons (sorry, that's American isn't it?)
I'm Sorry, I haven't a clue (radio)
Whose Line Is It Anyway (is that American too? I'm not sure)
The Young Ones
Victoria Wood

- try looking on for any more, though that's only the BBC ones.

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