A Conversation for Summer Camps (Under Construction)

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Post 1


My sister went over on the BUNAC scheme to a camp somewhere in Pa. a few years ago. She was teaching swimming but was reprimanded when she didn't give certificates to some of the kids who couldn't swim an inch. She was told that "That's not the point. Here, everybody wins." Every other kid seemed to have something referred to as "inability to behave properly, concentrate and not scream loudly syndrome hyperactiveness attention defecit disorder" which was essentially the result of them all being rich kids who'd been spoiled by their parents and couldn't behave. The fact that they had no attention span from eating nothing but Twinkies, Coke and other sugar-based additive-snacks couldn't have helped. Give us more descriptions of what goes on in these places. What character-building activites are perpetrated therein? Do you have to say the pledge of allegiance before you're allowed any food in the morning? My opinion is that they're there to induce conformity in children from an early age and to deny them any access to the real world during the summer holidays - by providing nothing but the stimuli the organising body regard as appropriate the residents are starved of anything normal and become creatures of the camp, destined to become a mush-headed fool in later life that will be no threat to the American Way, such as it is. It also prevents them from spending much time with their parents in preparation for their compulsory adult therapy, in which they will claim to have been f**ked up by being removed from a loving family unit system for much of their childhood. Resist. Do no go to "camp".

Was there a subject? If so, I missed it

Post 2


Ummmmmm...No, I don't want cookies. Thank you.

Careful, now

Post 3


I was talking about camps. I thought it might be apparent, considering it was tacked on the end of an article you wrote.

Careful, now

Post 4


It was rather confusing...now if you'll excuse me, there are some Girl Scouts (age: 8) at my door.

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