This is the Message Centre for Researcher 27682

Eugeneans: Water resistant hippies or HYPER Intelegant pants wearing ducks?

Post 1


Many Eugeneans also have webbed feet, and are often seen wearing tie-dye. On Saturdays, they can often be found at a gathering known as "Saturday Market", in which one can find all kinds of homemade wares, and really good food/cheese cake. A good way to tell if someone is a true Eugenean might be to ask them where Jerry Garcia's home was. If they try to convince you that it was Eugene Oregon, you've found yourself a Eugenean. Thats not to say that all we Eugeneans are "DeadHeads", no, you can find every manner of culture, and counter-culture. But the underlying theme is one of diversity and exceptance. So when we saw the protests in Seattle Washington on T.V., and the anarchists smashing windows. We could say with a shake of the head, and a bit of smile: "Thats our Anarchists".

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Eugeneans: Water resistant hippies or HYPER Intelegant pants wearing ducks?

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