A Conversation for Animal Farm, 1984, and George Orwell

Animal Farm

Post 1

The Rumpled Academic

The magnificent character of Leon Trotsky is portrayed in animal Farm as a small pig named Snowball. When Stalin/Napolean starts to take over, Snowball vehmently opposes him. In the middle of a public debate between the two pigs, Napolean orders his death for "Crimes" None of the animals take the issue further than that, and begin to blame Snowball for every lttle mishap that happens around the farm. This is utterly similar to the real Trotsky situation.

Animal Farm and 1984 are fantastic books that I believe should be compulsory reading in schools, but then, I may be biased, as I am a communist. Animal Farm in particular is one of the most noble books I have ever read. The gradual changing of the rules written down by the Old Major(Karl Heinrich Marx)to fit Napolean's needs.
No Animal Shall Kill Another Animal
was changed to:
No Animal Shall Kill Another Animal Without Reason.

But then as the great horse Boxer would say, "Napolean is always right."

Animal Farm

Post 2


My youth theatre did animal farm and 1984 (both of which i have read) I was in Animal Farm and it was brill. We did it in a farm and 1984 was in a warehouse. My English teacher said that she cant stand George Orwell books but I think they're great as do all my other friends who've read them.

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