This is the Message Centre for Tschuessli

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Post 1

Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga

Hi, it's me again. What have you done to your page?! Test are???!!!

I'll introduce myself, I think. Et Cetera Gallumbits, sister of Electrica and Eccentrica Gallumbits, recently quit the family business. And I'm not that much of a little sister. Who are you then? smiley - bigeyes

Your home page

Post 2


Et Cetera,

I was testing to see how the HTML editing works.

It seems to me, via devious thoughts, that with a little work, not much in fact, it'd be possible to hack peoples computers via the H2G2...

I better let the mighty one know - Douglas Adams that is.

Who am I? Well, my name is a clue, and my GP's location is another one. I live in a small country in the middle of a small continent. I don't come from here, but elsewhere (not absolute).

What about yourself, or selves?


Tschuess Li!

Your home page

Post 3

Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga

Okay, I've got you. I come from the island... Oh why bother. England. And yes, I think selves is more appropriate (is that spelled right?!) than self. What I am, I'll never know. How bout you?!

As you can see, I have an obession with "?!".

Your home page

Post 4

Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga

Hello?! Hellooooooooo?!

Your home page

Post 5


Hello Et Cetera,

I hope you are well. I has been a week right? The sun is shining (here at least) and I believe it is shining on the island to the North. What are you doing in front of a computer? Why not get out, and about, and enjoy the UV cancerous rays.



Your home page

Post 6

Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga

Yeah, there's an anticyclone over here, and it is sunny, but I wanna stay in today (woman thing). smiley - bigeyes

Your home page

Post 7


Oh well, that's too bad. I hope you feel OK?

Have fun, and do contribute some more odd stories about crashing computers with wooden dolls. I usually find that bashing the computer with a wooden mallet does the trick, but I guess that's a man thing.



Your home page

Post 8

Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga

Yeah, i'm ok. I would hit my computer with a wooden mallet but the wooden mallet is at the back of the shed where I do not go for fear of spiders.

Your home page

Post 9


Spiders and not so bad. They eat flies, most of the time, and sometimes eat birds in Polynesia. I don't know of anybody being eaten by spiders, but I once heard that there was an old lady who swallowed a fly and later a spider and some farmyard animals ... she died with the horse, of course.



Your home page

Post 10

Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga

I found a spider crawling across my bedrooom ceiling the other day. It was as big as a... very big thing.

That's one reason why I don't like spiders - they eat flies. I don't mind flies.

I heard that the average person eats 8 spiders in their sleep over their whole life.

Your home page

Post 11

Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga

Hey hey, you're back!! Hi! smiley - bigeyes

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