This is the Message Centre for kbrtiata

Too Hot and Sticky to survive here (Taamyu)

Post 1


Hiyasmiley - hug

Again it's been looong time since I popped into here smiley - blue

How are you folks? Hope all are fine smiley - biggrin

As for me, Physically look well.. mentally.. who knows. I'm unstable condition time to time smiley - grr but I am okay.

I had a chance to watch LIVE WIMBLEDON this year. and I was so excited with most of all matches I watched smiley - love And also found that British audience was more excited with the newly hoping English tennis player (boy) Liam Broady, aged 17 of Stockfort. Court 1 was occupied at the boys' singles final until ladies final started. lol

I'm watching live news on hacking phone on BBC news.. we can't phone and speak about our private topic anymore smiley - groan

It's been sticky and hot though it's cool tonight because of rainfall. But I'm sure it'll be very hot after rain. I HATE JAPANESE SUMMER! boo

I have got a question: Why ppl still call Duchess of Cambridge as Kate MIDDLETON???
Does her family name change even after marriage??? it's a mystery to me smiley - weird

In some reasons, as I told you last time, I have had unwillingly Japanese blog site... but recently I upgraded my blogs in ENGLISH (I'll try to write in English or other languages instead of Japanese (I sometimes use Japanese, though))... And I have changed my setting for leaving comment that all can leave your/their comment even you/they are not the member of the Japanese blog site smiley - laugh, so if you're interested in reading mine, please bookmark it (though I rarely updated my blog. I wrote more than usual because of Wimbledon 2011 smiley - laugh)
I will write 2 more topics sooner or later.
the address is :
And you may see the 'comment' in Japanese which is under the footprints of Paddington Bear (middle one) click it then you'll see 'comment box' white box and click the place the lower place which was made circle then another window appear : and you'll see title box, then comment box
After leave your comment put the number in the box that you see under the number. Then type your name (please write your name that let me who you are.. it's okay if I do know who leave the comment. you don't have to leave your real name of course smiley - laugh

Because there are no comment on my blogs, so I openly show my blogs that may interest you more than Japanese. lol

If you can't please leave your message here smiley - cuddle

I really miss you all, but the sticky weather makes me lazy and lazy. If I am interested in tennis, watching and playing, I am sure I never updated my blogs there smiley - tongueout

I do hope all are fine and remember me....!

Please take care and Have a lovely evening.

Chat soon smiley - smiley


smiley - diva

Too Hot and Sticky to survive here (Taamyu)

Post 2

Reality Manipulator

Hello Taamyusmiley - smiley,

Good to hear that you are feeling fine.smiley - hug

It has been very humid in the UK, and very difficult to sleep at night, making it feel a lot hotter than it really is.

Think it will take a while for the media to start calling her the Duchess of Cambridge.

Thank you and I Hope you are having a wonderful evening too.

Kat smiley - zen

Too Hot and Sticky to survive here (Taamyu)

Post 3


Hiya Kat smiley - hug
Thank you for popping here smiley - smiley

I hope Kate Middleton will be called 'Duchess'
It's really strange for me that a lady who has become the Royal family member is still called her family name In Japan, It never happen. lol

After they went to their honeymoon, it seems that more media use 'Duchess' instead of 'Kate Middleton'. So, as you said sooner or later all media call her 'Duchess' or 'Duchess Kate/of Cambridge' smiley - laugh

It's really sticky and hot.. I am dying with this Japanese awful summer heat smiley - grovel

though I have had a scamp in my calfs last Tuesday while I was playing tennis, it gets better little by little. I have right calf pain still now smiley - groan But I keep playing/practicing tennis.

Just mental problem I have had to conquer! I KNOW I'll recovery when I go to ENGLAND AND FRANCE WEHRE MOST OF MY FRIENDS LIVE smiley - love

Well Take Care and Keep in Touch.

Taamyu smiley - diva

Too Hot and Sticky to survive here (Taamyu)

Post 4

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi taeko

im at the library, so i was able to say hi, and hope you are coping with life.

im getting older, and my legs are giving me more problems, i dont get out much now. take care smiley - sheep jim xxx.

Too Hot and Sticky to survive here (Taamyu)

Post 5

Reality Manipulator

Hello Taamyu smiley - smiley,

You are very welcomesmiley - hug I hope that weather where you are is more bearable.

Something happened with Princess Diana, it was will be fore they stopped calling her Lady Di.

At the moment I am been driven up the wall by upstairs neighbour playing rap music (so called) as it sounds like a lot of noise to me, it mainly consists of a lot of shouting.

If I had a choice where to live it would be the Highlands of Scotland or in the Outer Hebrides to get way from the urban lifestyle and where live is much slower pace.

I hope that the pain in my your calf is going.

Take care
Warmest wishes and regards
Katrine smiley - tea with chocolate cake topped with strawberries and cream smiley - choc+smiley - strawberries+smiley - cake

Too Hot and Sticky to survive here (Taamyu)

Post 6


Hi Kat, and Jim
Thank you so much for your ever lasting friendship smiley - hug

Have you received the H2G2 MOVE information mail?

It's cool today because big typhoon is coming here smiley - biggrin so I'm very happy tonight as I can sleep well otherwise I'll be dying with summer heat and heat stroke smiley - grovel

Keep in touch smiley - tea

smiley - diva

Too Hot and Sticky to survive here (Taamyu)

Post 7

Reality Manipulator

You are very welcome Taamyusmiley - hug

I have received the H2G2 MOVE information email, nothing to do, except wait for the big change.

The temperatures have got a lot cooler and it has been rainy and wet.

smiley - teasmiley - cupcakesmiley - coffeesmiley - donut

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