This is the Message Centre for kbrtiata


Post 1


smiley - lurk
smiley - xmastreeIt's been awful long time since I left my msg here. smiley - mistletoe
Just have had a bit mentally tougher time since September smiley - blue
now feel better smiley - biggrin

smiley - cracker Wish you a VERY LOVELY WONDERFUL HAPPY NEW YEAR 2010 smiley - cracker

Chat soon smiley - hug

smiley - diva


Post 2

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi taeko
i got the card thankyou, i would hav sent you one but i couldnt find the addy in whih of my many pads its in.
ive have put the oragami with the others in the little purse, yep it and the netski are still on my wall over the fireplace. and the hanky you sent in the same place.
hope you had a good xmas and that 2010 is good year for you.
this was my first xmas, without my lodger, as he got married in january and as gone, after about eight years.
take care smiley - dragonsmiley - santa jimbob xxx


Post 3

Reality Manipulator

Taeko smiley - crackersmiley - bubblyWishing you a very Happy New Year for 2010.smiley - crackersmiley - bubbly


Post 4


Hi Jim,
glad to know that you've got my x'mas card safely smiley - biggrin
I am so happy that you keep Origami that I sent to you. smiley - blush

Hi Kat,
so sorry for not getting touch with you earlier.
I do hope wonderful and peaceful new year, too.
btw : Have your email addy and your sister's mail address changed?? if yours are unchangeable, please mail me and let me know your sis's mail address smiley - rose

Take Care and Keep yourself Warm smiley - hug

I'll pop into here when I am wide awake smiley - laugh

smiley - diva


Post 5

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi taeko
i put the hankercheif into a small frame, and its just above the netski and purse.
smiley - dragonsmiley - santajimbob

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