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voice Chat to check my English

Post 1


Hiya smiley - hug

I'm happy to say to everybody that I feel better than last 6 months, I suppose smiley - smiley

Well, I wonder if some of you can do voice chat using messenger (Yahoo, MSN or SKYPE) and chat directly.

If you can, please let me know and I'm very much looking forward to chatting you directly smiley - laugh

Because I've not spoken to you, Engish person directly for long time, I am really afraid of forgetting how to speak ENGLISH smiley - rofl

So, if some of you are interested in my offer, please let me know.

smiley - ta for all your warm heart all the time smiley - biggrin

It's getting hotter and hotter and sticky and sticky here in Osaka.
I'm almost dying with this terrible heat.

BTW, I finally could download one of episodes of Doctor Who and some episodes of Danger Mouse smiley - laugh
I'm sure that I enjoy watching them smiley - biggrin


Taamyu smiley - musicalnote

voice Chat to check my English

Post 2


tammmu lovly to hear you , i'm taking a break from this hot weather we are having at the moment cool air plz lol .

voice Chat to check my English

Post 3


Tig smiley - hug
Lovely to hearing from you as well.
but it's almost 2 in the morning, so that I have to go to bed smiley - sadface

Well if you can do voice chat by chance, Please let me know smiley - ok
I'm sure you will be faint with my horrible English Accents smiley - rofl

Have a Lovely Day smiley - rainbow

Taamyu smiley - musicalnote

voice Chat to check my English

Post 4


yes i can do voice chat i would be happy to hear you some time .smiley - winkeye

voice Chat to check my English

Post 5


Hiya tig smiley - biggrin
What kind of messenger you installed?
I installed UK Yahoo, MSN, and SKYPE
All my nickname is taamyusmiley - ok
Will you tell me your mail address or your nickname of your messenger so that I add you as my friend smiley - ok
And if you do NOW, I'll be waiting for you and try to check if we can do voice chat smiley - ok
Looking forward to hearing from you SOONsmiley - ok
Taeko smiley - musicalnote

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