This is the Message Centre for kbrtiata

Alive Taamyu

Post 1


Hi Folks smiley - hug
Just let you know that
I'M ALIVE smiley - laugh
Hope all of you are fine smiley - biggrin
Chat soon smiley - love
smiley - diva

Alive Taamyu

Post 2

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi taeko
im still here, but now on my own
yep my lodger/relation as got married and moved to his own house
i still have to put up with him coming to my house, there is still lots of his things to take to his own house.
take care smiley - dragonjimbob xxxx

Alive Taamyu

Post 3

Reality Manipulator

HHi Taekosmiley - hug

I hope you are keeping well and that is not too cold where you are.smiley - teasmiley - cake

The snow <smiley - snowball<smiley - snowball has gone now, this winter it has snowed five times.smiley - cappuccinosmiley - donut

I am keeping smiley - ok apart fom a head cold since October.

Alive Taamyu

Post 4

Opticalillusion- media mynx life would be boring without hiccups

Hi Taamyu smiley - hug

I'm pleased to see you still around.
I'm smiley - ok but a tad stressed
I miss those beautiful emails you sent me of trees etc
Is cherry blossom of some significance to you?

take care and look forward to hearing from you again

opti smiley - bluebutterfly

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