This is the Message Centre for kbrtiata

Natural Calamities

Post 1


We have been having typhoons since at the end of June (I thinke).
We have already had 18 typoons here. Of course not all are huge one, but at the Typhoon 16 which attack us at the end of August, a lighthouse was swallawed by the high wave(maybe tidious wave/tsunami)smiley - yikes in the southern Japan. (now Typhoon No. 18 is attacking the south part of Japan, which is fairly big scale one)

And a volcano erupted after 21 years' rest smiley - yikes

Then, HERE IN OSAKA/0ur area, we had a quite a large scale of earthquake smiley - grr yesteday evening and midnight (twice). Oh boy.

No way to escape smiley - rofl

everybody I'll be back here as soon as I feel fine smiley - ok

Hope all of you won't forget me smiley - rofl

Taamyu smiley - musicalnote

Natural Calamities

Post 2

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

hi there teako... smiley - cuddlesmiley - hug

well that's some weather you're having over there in japan luv... hope you don't get blown away.. smiley - laugh it must be unsettling for you, hope you are ok...
at the moment here we have got the sun back for a few days.. smiley - smiley
keep in touch and take care...
smiley - love sheryl... xxxxxxxx smiley - stiffdrinksmiley - tea

Natural Calamities

Post 3


Hi Teako,

I saw the typhoon hitting Japan on the news and wondered if it was hitting your area, so you gave me an answer. Hope things are ok with you and hope you don't have much damage in your area.

Chat soon,
Miz xxx

Natural Calamities

Post 4


The Earthquack made me scared me a lot smiley - cry. And so my friends did especially who live in Kobe where had unbeliebable huge earthquack in 1996(I suppose). Not only Kobe, but also Osaka had serious damage at that time, but at least we can say that a big city, Kobe weas completely destroyed by the eathquack. Fortunately it recovered and people settled down. Neverthless, it threatened AGAIN, though epicentre was different from the ex-earthquack. smiley - yuk

The Typhoon No. 18 is approaching Osaka smiley - wah.
It's very windy this morning though the sun is shining and very hot, but most of us are sure, we may have rain this afternoon smiley - grr

My washing machine was fallen down by the strong wind when the thphoon no. 16(last sunday) was coming smiley - yikes

Natural Calamities

Post 5


I wrote
"The Earthquack made me scared me a lot"

I have to say that the eathquack scared me a lot smiley - rofl

I forget English little by little day by day smiley - wah That scares me, too smiley - wah

Natural Calamities

Post 6


smiley - blue
It's SHAKING AGAIN smiley - yikessmiley - blue
How many earthquack will attack our are whose percentage of having earthquack is less than Tokyo, but... it's come, again smiley - blue
I have to switch off my computer smiley - wah

See you soon!

I do hope everybody won't forget me smiley - tea

Taamyu smiley - musicalnote

Natural Calamities

Post 7

Billy60 ...

smiley - pirate

I hope you are ok smiley - sadface ..... sounds very frightening ....

smiley - cuddle

Natural Calamities

Post 8


Chirs smiley - smooch

smiley - blue

HORRIBLE smiley - wah

We have still typhoon's effect(strong wind) which may approach/attack here sooner or later smiley - cry

And we are not sure WHEN next earthquake will come here smiley - yuk
But it'll come again, I'm sure smiley - cry

Natural Calamities

Post 9

Billy60 ...

smiley - pirate

You make sure to look after yourself smiley - ok ....

Cant stay I'm afraid ... dinner now then lots of work smiley - wah ...

PC at home back on-line in two Weeks hopefully smiley - biggrin

smiley - cappuccino

Chris smiley - hug

Natural Calamities

Post 10


smiley - pirate

smiley - cheerup

smiley - ta for smiley - cappuccino

Lovely to hearing from you again and so your computer finally works smiley - biggrin

Hope we'll chat soon again smiley - kiss

smiley - coffee

Taamyu smiley - musicalnote

Natural Calamities

Post 11

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hello taeko
hope your weather improves soon.
i was hoping to send you an email from my pc,i now have,but whoever had it before me, left a few viruses inplace,36 normal, and 7 trogan horse.
should with luck have it sorted soon,i hope.
take care your friend from bradford jimbobxxx

Natural Calamities

Post 12


Hello Jim,
smiley - ta for your kind thoughts.
At the moment, we've settle down.
But we don't know if the earthquake whether that was the main one or not . There ia maybe another earthquakes agian
As for typhoon, we have usually got it from around the end of August(big ones), but we have lots of big ones which attack Japan(esp.South part of Japan. and they have serious damages). Fortunately, my area is rather safer place to live.
But the Sunday Earthquake was really horrible smiley - blue

I'm okay, Jim smiley - biggrin, though I haven't come here so often recently smiley - sorry

But I'll be back asap smiley - ok

Chat soon smiley - hug

Taamyu smiley - musicalnote

Natural Calamities

Post 13

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi taeko
im happy to know you are ok and not in any amediate danger.
im still not back on my pc yet
take care, and as we say here, keep your head down.jimbobxxx

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