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Dental care in the UK

Post 1


Hello there smiley - hug
I'm sorry for not getting touch with you earlier as I was completely knackered by terrible unusual Japanese heat/weathersmiley - groan... But, I'm alive smiley - biggrin

Well, I wonder if you will do me your favour.
A friend of mine who is a dentist is now researching on how dentists/family members (in your country) look after/care dental care of the disable or bedridden people.
In Japan, the number of older people who need people's support to look after their life, and as you may understand it's really hard for them to care not only taking a bath, but also clean their teeth (dental care). Their teeth will be decayed so quickly if they can't clean their teeth properly.. This become one of very serious problems for those people (disable/bedridden people) to make their lives more comfortable as they were used to be.
And my friend is developing one product for dental care and is making his home page both in Japanese and in English. But he can't make his draft as he doesn't know about the dental care for bedridden people in your country.
So, please tell me how it is like in your country or if you don't know, will you ask your home dentists? And if your home dentists can help me, please pass this message to them and ask them if they can reply me.
It will be very helpful for my friend to develop his home page in English version as well as his research.

I'm very much looking forward to your quick reply smiley - love

Thank you,

Love smiley - musicalnote

Taamyu smiley - diva

Dental care in the UK

Post 2

Reality Manipulator

Hi Taamyusmiley - smiley

I have looked on the internet and found this site but is only for Greater London, Hertfordshire, Essex and Surrey KindBlue Dental Practice

Their staff comprises of Dentists, Dental therapists, Dental Hygienists, Dental nurses and Dental technicians.

Their Services include:

Oral Health Assessments
Routine Dental Screening

Preventative Dental Care

Making of New Dentures

Adjustments and corrections of Old Dentures

Denture Repairs



Cosmetic Dentistry

Emergency Dentistry


It is important to note that this practice specialises in conducting home visits and is dedicated and exclusive to persons with “mobility challenges” with their dental nurses being trained carers.

I hope this will be of help.smiley - smiley


Dental care in the UK

Post 3


Hi Kat,
smiley - ta for your quick response.
Every information about your dental care : how to care your teeth, how the dentist help you to care your dental problem, what do you think of that... blah blah blah
It's really interesting to know (for me, too) the health care background in the world.
Well, I'm very much looking forward to your post as well as other friends' posts smiley - laugh

Taamyu smiley - diva

Dental care in the UK

Post 4


Good dentists take a personal interest in patients and their health. They are prevention-oriented but not faddists. They use x-ray films and probably suggest a full-mouth study unless suitable films are available from the patient's previous dentist. A thorough dental examination includes inspection of the teeth, gums, tongue, lips, inside of the cheek, palate, and the skin of the face and neck, plus feeling the neck for abnormal lymph nodes and enlargement of the thyroid gland. In adults a periodontal probe should be inserted between the gums and teeth to detect abnormally large crevices. Good dentists also chart their findings in detail.
[Personal details removed by Moderator]

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