This is the Message Centre for kbrtiata

Like a Boiling Egg

Post 1


Hiya folks smiley - hugs

smiley - sorry for not being here for long time as I've been compeletly done up with boiling sweltering summer heat here in Osaka smiley - grovel

I'll be back asap and want to enjoy chatting with you smiley - smiley
So, please wait for me with good patient and I do hope you won't forget me smiley - rofl

Mind the summer heat!!! smiley - rofl

smiley - oj
smiley - towelsmiley - rose

Taamyu smiley - musicalnote

Like a Boiling Egg

Post 2


Hi Taamyu,im sure people wont forget you,im sure they understand
as its also been very hot over here,but today is a bit cooler and my
smiley - dog is a bit happier,thanks for your er e-mail i did send a rey to it,so you t/c.
smiley - love
smiley - rose

Like a Boiling Egg

Post 3

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi taeko
its been very hot here to for a few days
ive just had a window rattling rainstorm here,but its still very humid,
there is an h2g2 photo gallery(you can see it by
going to my space)look for the link jimcracker-jim.
there is also a thread call,h2g2 friends photo gallery,you will find some you have message and emailed on the gallery
this is the email if you want to send some photos of yourself,( [Personal details removed by Moderator])
i hope you will,then i can go to the library to acsess the gallery,for your photo.
take care jimbob,always a friend xxxxx

Like a Boiling Egg

Post 4


It will be good to have you back with us smiley - hug

Take care for now smiley - hugsmiley - smiley

Like a Boiling Egg

Post 5


hi hun its been a while since we chatted im available tommorow if thats ok with you

andysmiley - bat

Like a Boiling Egg

Post 6


smiley - ta!
I'll be back as soon as I get better smiley - smiley

smiley - grr the sun is shining already here though it's 5 to 7 in the morning of the 10th in Japan smiley - yuk
It seems that it'll be HOT today, too smiley - wah

smiley - musicalnote

Like a Boiling Egg

Post 7


Hi Taamyu,

Nice to hear from you. It has rained most of the day here in England but it is quiet humid still.
We had a little thunder early this morning nothing major.

Hope you are well??? looking fog forward to chatting to you soon, look after yourself

Miz xxx

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