This is the Message Centre for kbrtiata

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Post 1


Hiya everybodysmiley - hug,
The horrible cold disappeared about 2 weeks ago, but now I've got bl**dy crimson red eyes because of allergy since this Monday smiley - wah
I think it will disappear soon, but I can't see my computer moniter for long time at the moment. So please don't thihk that my silece means ignore you, just I have to keep silence and to have a rest for my eyes.
I'll be back and chat with you if you don't mind, as soon as possible.
I do hope all of you, my friends, here won't forget me smiley - rofl


Taamyu smiley - musicalnote

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Post 2


Hope your better soon Taamyu xxx Chat soon Love Pinky xxx

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Post 3

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

hiya taamyu... smiley - hug

i also have red itchy eyes due to having hayfever... smiley - wah i know it really gets on your nerves, as the more you try to look at something, the more watery they become and you cant focus...
i will not forget you my friend...
take care, hope you feel better soon... smiley - love

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Post 4


hello taeko hope your better soon, ill swap my migrains for your red eyes,im having far too many. love jackiexx

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Post 5

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hello taeko
we,/i will be hear till im forced off altogether
get better i missed your reply on here and emails, hope you get better soon your friend from bradford(btonte country)smiley - discojimxxxx

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Post 6


Hi Taeko,do hope your better now Love Pinky xxx

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Post 7


Hiya Taeko smiley - hug

Hope your eyes feel better soon hon, can i ask what set your eyes off ? i find mine itch whenever im near cats smiley - wah Take Care chat soon Trish <csmiley - cuddle

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