This is the Message Centre for kbrtiata

Very, very definately

Post 1


QUIET HEREsmiley - rofl
My hibarnating time is approaching smiley - yawnsmiley - sleepy
smiley - diva

Very, very definately

Post 2

Anoldgreymoonraker Free Tibet

sorry got to do blue in 5 see you tomorrowsmiley - winkeye

Very, very definately

Post 3


hi taamyu,Laurel n hardy are my favourites,to many to name but if you can watch the one called "toad in the hole" you will be laughing for days !!!smiley - winkeye also,the ghost ship....smiley - kiss

Very, very definately

Post 4


Hiya moonranger, smiley - hug
I'm okay, just smiley - sleepy lo

GARY smiley - smooch
Haven't seen you for AGES smiley - cry Where have you been hiding smiley - laugh

Did you mean "TOWED IN A HOLE"? If so, that was the first one that I watched smiley - laugh Fishing dealer, yea?
Yes, I was laughing out loud for days smiley - laugh
Ghost ship as well.smiley - laugh
I like "Dirty Work" Abusolutely FUN!!

smiley - kisssmiley - hug
TAAMYU smiley - diva

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