This is the Message Centre for kbrtiata

found you

Post 1


hi taeko. hope this is you. and i hope you remember the conversation that we started in the "travel in london" section, about commuting. i am pretty sure that the conversation would have stayed there for a long time but any how, just in case.
hope you are well. you still haven't given me your opinion on those comments that i added to the commuting discussion. it would be nice to hear what you think.
look forward to your reply.

found you

Post 2


Jenny smiley - biggrin
You've done BRILLIANT smiley - smiley
Yes, it's me, TAEKO whos talked with you at London Message Boardsmiley - laugh
Oh yes, I'm happy if our conversation there won't be deleted. But I think it will disappear as time goes by(not now, say 6 months later or next week, lol)

I haven't replied your post haven't I? I thought I did with this URL address and I was waiting for your next reply.
Well, I'll check it again and if my reply is not enough for your last comment I'll reply you as soon as you.

How are you? I hope you're fine. I'm okay smiley - puff
How's London like at the moment? We've rather strange weather, here in Osaka. Cold, warm, cold warm smiley - yuk

Well, What a lovely it is that we can keep in touch.

Thank you for coming here, Jenny.

Take Care smiley - tea

See you soon.
Taeko smiley - musicalnote

found you

Post 3


hi taeko. i am really glad that this is you. it is strange sometimes to navigate through the meanders of the web world. but glad that it has not been so hard to find you.
how are you doing? sounds pretty strange weather in osaka. london has been extremely cold recently, but now things have normalised a bit more and the temperature today was just fine. 10°. i feel that spring is on the way finally and that we can all start to forget the difficulties of the past winter. i have been working really hard recently. commuting as usual and working and working.

my husband and i separated last year and since then i have thrown myself into my job. the only real shame is that i live ouside london, in a leafy area in surrey and i have to travel into work everyday, sometimes on a saturday as well. i changed job since i split up from my husand and now i have to leave my cat and my daughter by themselves for most of the day. that is why i have been thinking of ways in which my commute could not be as stressful as it is at the moment. Also as a designer, i am always trying to find new ways in which life could be a little bit better.

anyhow, i work in a design studio and enjoy my job very much. hope the same for you.
by the way how do you put the emoticons in the text? i am new to this.

take really good care,
look forward to your reply.


found you

Post 4


Hiya Jenny smiley - biggrin
it's really wonderful that you found me without any problems smiley - smiley

Now I understand why you are so interested in commune system. Yes, if it takes long time to use commune for working, we really need comforttable commne trip lol

I haven't worked yet(aged 41) because I'm on rehabilitaion from my mental illness.
I visited England in 1989 and after coming back to japan, I've go ill. I guess English life suited me, in a

As for smileys, there are some pages which explain them
All you have to do is to insert the word which you find thelist to the <>. smiley - ok? this I inserted ok to <> (something like (I dare to add s so that you can understand what I want to explain))
I'll show the list page below (this is the top page)
These are clarlyfied depend on the categries (emotions, animals, action....)
As you write with plain text, you only use <> with the emotinal word smiley - ok

Hope this will help you smiley - biggrin

smiley - tea

I really enjoy talkin with you, Jenny smiley - hug
Please keep in touch with me, though my Englishis horrible smiley - cry

And if you want mail me, try to

[email protected] (I use this more often than yahoo address)
[email protected]

These are used only for web. so When I got your e-mail, I'll reply from my other mail which I use only for e-mailng with my good friend.

Well, Next time, I'll tell you current problem around the station whose air has been dirty, dirty and dusty smiley - grr

Looking forward to hearing from you, Jenny smiley - hug


Taeko smiley - cuddlesmiley - musicalnote

found you

Post 5


Jenny smiley - hug
Your silence means that you've been busy working smiley - cheerup
Take Care smiley - tea
Looking forward to your reply smiley - biggrin
Taeko smiley - cuddle
smiley - musicalnote

found you

Post 6


hi taeko.
very nice to hear from you again. sad to hear about your story. i could not help thinking that England might have been such a bad experience for you up to the point of making you very ill. hope you are feeling a bit better now. i also think that getting back to work and starting a job might make you feel better too. i know that it could be very stressfull but it could also help you in being busy and with other people.

thanks for the help with the smileys and keep me updated with your commuting stories and opinions. i really enjoyed your comments.
here i am still working hard and being very busy. let me know if you pop by London and we could arrange to meet up at some point. keep well and keep busy. and most of all keep in touch.

take care, jenny

found you

Post 7


Hello Jenny smiley - hug
Lovely to hear from you again smiley - biggrin
Yes, I know you have been so busy working and you can't come here so often smiley - sadface
But I'm happy that we can keep in touch each other smiley - smiley

I have to tell you about my illness.
I got serious mental illness because I COULDN'T FOLLOW THE LIFE IN JAPAN which is tooooooo fast to follow.
I really enjoyed my staying in Englandsmiley - smiley

As I'm on rehabilitation, I'm now teaching my friend's children English though I've not any confident on my English.
If my English is enough to use in specific field, I will find another job, but at the moment, I'll keep it and try to improve my English (I'm worried if 41 year woman can improve English more than I expected, but I'll do my best)

So, when I go to the lesson, I have to get on the packed commuter smiley - wah

Well, I'm very much looking forward to hearing from you again smiley - ok
Take Care and have a Lovely Weekendsmiley - rainbow
It's been sunny and a lovely day here in Osaka for days smiley - smiley
But I miss the spring in England which is lovely

Jenny, Take Care smiley - tea

See you soon smiley - ok

Love smiley - teasmiley - rose

Taeko smiley - hugsmiley - musicalnote

ps As I told you, if you want mail me, do it, please.
My free e-mail address is
[email protected]
[email protected]

found you

Post 8


Jenny smiley - hug

How are you?
I hope your silence means that you've been very busy working.
I'm sorry for my slow reply.

I've got computer accident since the beginning of June.
My hard disc drive crashed and after changing it into new one which was too big for my computer, it became very uneasy.
And, it made a fire on the fron switch last Tuesday smiley - yikes
Usuallly it doesn't happen if you use computers which are made by companies, but mine was home-made one which was made by my brother.
Luckily I've got new cheaper one last Friday, though I'm in 'computer phobia' at the moment lol.
That's why I couldn't come here so often.

We have rany day now and it's very sticky and hot in Japan.
As I have go to teach children (freind's children and some new kids) to a place which takes about 2 hours by commuter. It's really horrible in early morning or in the late afternoon. People are packed into like a can sardine. smiley - yuk
Fortunately I use it once a week (3 times a month) so it's okay, though I'm exhausted with it whenever I take it because I can't do anything but satnding in itsmiley - grr

Well, I'm very much looking forward to hearing from you again, Jenny.

Take Care and have a Lovely Weekend smiley - tea

Taeko smiley - musicalnote

found you

Post 9


Hello Jenny smiley - smiley
I do hope you still remember me.
How are you? I'm fine though I was done up with boiling horrible hot heat this summer completelysmiley - grovel
It's getting cooler and cooler here and the pleasant, one of the most beautiful season is approaching in Japan, so I feel better now smiley - rainbow
I'm very much looking forward to hearing from you as soon as you read this post smiley - ok
Take Caresmiley - tea
Taeko smiley - musicalnote

found you

Post 10


Hello Jenny,
It's me Taeko.
I wonder if you're finesmiley - sadface
It's been long time since you left message.
If you can, please keep in touch with me.

It's getting hotter and hotter and sticky here smiley - yuk

Hope you feel better and enjoy your life smiley - smiley

I'm very much looking forward to hearing from you again smiley - rose

Taeko smiley - musicalnote

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