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Hello Donna :)

Post 1

Midnight Angel (ACE / G~A / GODDESS)

Hi Donna.
Just wanted to say smiley - love the name,
And thought i would drop by to say hi if that wassmiley - ok

smiley - angelMAsmiley - angel
smiley - peacedove

Hello Donna :)

Post 2


smiley - starHiya Angelsmiley - star

How are you?..Thanx for your message, Nice of you 2 drop by and say Hi, Your welcome to pop by anytime, kettles always on for a cuppa smiley - tea

Speak soon smiley - love Take Care

smiley - angel donna..xx

Hello Donna :)

Post 3

Midnight Angel (ACE / G~A / GODDESS)

Hi Donnasmiley - smiley
Thanx for replying to mesmiley - smiley

Same goes to you drop by for smiley - tea and smiley - cake anytime you wishsmiley - biggrin

smiley - angelMAsmiley - angel
smiley - peacedove

Hello Donna :)

Post 4


Hiya Angel..xx

Thought i'd come by and say "Hello" smiley - smiley

Hope your good xx Speak soon

smiley - angel donna..xx

Hello Donna :)

Post 5

Midnight Angel (ACE / G~A / GODDESS)

Hello Donna Thanx for dropping bysmiley - smiley

Heres a nice smiley - tea and some home made smiley - cake I hope you enjoy smiley - smiley

Im not all that bad smiley - ta although my chest is preety bad as im just recovering from pnumonia smiley - sadface but i get stronger every day..

How are you and ho as your day been??

smiley - angelMAsmiley - angel
smiley - peacedove

Hello Donna :)

Post 6


Hi Angel,

Hows you? glad to hear your getting better hun,hope your fully recovered soon smiley - hug

My days been abit of a blur really, took a nasty bump 2 my head this morning at work,spent nxt 4 hours at the hospital,but apart from a headache,everythings smiley - ok theres nothing in there to cause damage to! lol

You had a good day?

smiley - angel donna..xx

Hello Donna :)

Post 7

Midnight Angel (ACE / G~A / GODDESS)

Hi Donna smiley - smiley

How you feeling now?? Hope your ok after your little accident??

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