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hello Donna

Post 1


hiya Donna hun smiley - smiley grifter Gal here just thought i,d come and visit your space and introduce myself smiley - smiley

well i,m 32 female and i live in London with my fiance Ron and my two smiley - cat

my hobbies are collecting collectable dolls, teapots. and smiley - clown listening to music,

i,m a drama workshop leader and also a great Dukes of Hazzard fan anyway here is some smiley - coffee and smiley - cheesecake and i hope to hear from you soon
smiley - winkeye
smiley - love paula
AKA Grifter Gal
smiley - discosmiley - disco
ps do you have an email addy? smiley - smiley

hello Paula

Post 2


Hiya..xx Thanx 4 your visit,the smiley - tea and smiley - cake was lovely thanx. I'm guessing you already know my asl coz its on my space,
i live with boyfriend keiron,been with him nearly 7yrs now...
My hobbies are collecting the pigs from the "piggin" range,Music is probably my biggest hobby, love music of all kinds, pop,dance,R&B,rap, anything with a beat that i can strut my stuff too smiley - laugh
Big fan of the tv series Friends,probably my all time fav tv programme. Yeah i got email addy its... [email protected]

Nice 2 meet you paula and hope 2 hear from you soon. Take Care smiley - love donna..xx smiley - angel

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