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Post 1


ive lost interest donna!!! im sorry hunny :0(

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Post 2


Nothing 2 be sorry about Phil, its smiley - ok doesnt make much difference 2 me either way

smiley - angel donna..xx

hello again

Post 3


hello donna smiley - smiley thanks for understanding me its just i have to be a bit more carefull on here
i just enjoying chatting donna nothing else :o( anyway hows your day been? my days been smiley - ok just been waiting for the workmen to come back and finish the brick work off at the back at the house
they were supposed to come back on monday and never turned up lol
ill have to see the housing tomorrow and chase it back up anyway donna ill sign of now and get a cup of smiley - tea take care smiley - love phil xxx

hello again

Post 4


Hiya Phil, Chatting is all im here for aswell, nothing else,ive a fiance,and 1 mans enough for me..smiley - laugh

My days been smiley - ok went to Bolton did some shopping and things,i'll be spending rest of the evening chillin out.

Hope your well, Speak soon

smiley - angel donna..xx

hello again

Post 5


hi donna smiley - smiley thanks for your
message i know you have a fiance hun lol i dont think im ready for another relationship at the moment lol i got engaged to a girl i met in LD she was from kent but i think the novalty wore off i kept going down there all the time and costing me £37.50 each time but she wouldn't come to liverpool so we just called it the day i did think the world of her even phoned her while on holiday in florida 2 yrs back so im just better of now smiley - smiley at the moment im just watching the football on sports 2 arsenal v inter milan its a good game arsenal are getting whacked 3-0 at the moment lol anyway donna you take care and ill chat soon smiley - love phil smiley - rose

hello again

Post 6


Hiya Phil

Hows things? You had a good day?

So you anotha football fanatic then? What team u support?

Catch ya laters smiley - smiley

smiley - angel donna..xx

hello again

Post 7


hello donna smiley - smiley im a true liverpool fan lol ive got most of there FA cup finals on video also some of there european cup finals
there good videos to keep smiley - smiley i also have a lot of footy programes 2 which i wont part with ive not been to a footy match in yrs i think its gone very expensive :o( i prefare watching a good match on tv lol with a smiley - ale pint lol anyway hows your day been? smiley - love phil smiley - rose

hello again

Post 8


Ellooooo Phil,

Thought i'd pop in say "hello" while im in the area, Hope your well? and Hope 2 speak 2 you soon

Take Care
smiley - love
donna..xxsmiley - angel

hello again

Post 9


hi donna smiley - smiley im fine smiley - ta just chillin out watching some tv
hows your day been smiley - love phil xxx smiley - rose

hello again

Post 10



My days been very quiet and relaxing,been dead lazy 2day i have (wot sundays are for)
Back at work 2moro tho smiley - grr the holidays over..Roll on xmas hols thats all i can say.smiley - laugh

smiley - angel donna..xx

hello again

Post 11


hello donner smiley - hugs we booked our
holidays yesterday for the 7th august 2004 its gonna be roastin the time were over there it gives me an excuse to drink more lol theres only 4 of us going so im just gonna look forward to it now
and put my pennys away lol are you going anywhere next year? smiley - love phil xxxx smiley - rose

hello again

Post 12


Hiya phil, So where u going 4 your hols? i'm hoping we go away next year,avnt had holiday 4 2years now,we bought house instead, but definately gonna go away next year,have 2 really before insanity kicks in,lol
Hope your smiley - ok Speak soon

smiley - angel donna..xx

hello again

Post 13


hi donna smiley - hugs thanks for your message smiley - smiley we booked for florida for next august hun were staying in a hotel with everything laid on we where supposed to go this august but people let us down so we booked for next year anyway have you been abroad? and where abouts? smiley - love phil xxxx smiley - rose

hello again

Post 14


Florida eh? ..Very nice (im sooo jealous) always fancied going 2 florida..Yeah ive been abroad, went to Benidorm for my 18th birthday, Magaluf for my 21st birthday, and my last holiday was in Gran Canaria (2yrs ago) so as you can see im READY for holiday in the sun smiley - smiley
Speak soon smiley - love donna..xx smiley - angel

hello again

Post 15


Florida eh? ..Very nice (im sooo jealous) always fancied going 2 florida..Yeah ive been abroad, went to Benidorm for my 18th birthday, Magaluf for my 21st birthday, and my last holiday was in Gran Canaria (2yrs ago) so as you can see im READY for holiday in the sun smiley - smiley
Speak soon smiley - love donna..xx smiley - angel

hello again

Post 16


hi donna smiley - smiley i went to fuerteventura 3 times that was good and very warm also ireland 4 times and the isle of mann once lol but out the 3 i prefare florida we got a good deal last saturday so im just saving my pennys now i would like to other parts of the states ive been invited to ohio toledo in 2005 so i might try there next lol anyway
wot you been up to ? smiley - love phil xxx

hello again

Post 17


Hiya Phil smiley - smiley
Havent been up2 much really hun,my bf had some upsetting news so we went out 4 few drinks last night,take his mind off things,seems to have done the trick so far..Apart from that avnt done anything apart from my housework (ooooo exciting) lol.
What abt yourself,you had a more interesting weekend than me? How ya keeping?

Speak soon smiley - love Take Care

smiley - angel donna..xx

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